[Scip] LAPACK support and quadratic problems

Vincent Devillierse devillierse.vincent at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 12:15:16 MEST 2013

Dear SCIP community,

I've tried to solve a non integer quadratic problem with SCIP, but the
computing time was very slow.
Apparently I need to either link against CLP (to benefit from the Interior
Point solver Ipopt) or compile SCIP with LAPACK support.

I'd like to go with the second possibility. In the INSTALL file I read this
"If this file is not present in your Clp version, SCIP tries to guess the
paths and libraries: it assumes that Blas and Lapack are installed as
system libraries (libblas.a, liblapack.a) and are not build into the
CoinUtils library."

This is my case (Blas and Lapack are installed as system libraries) but
when I use SCIP I keep getting the message "Quadratic constraint handler
does not have LAPACK for eigenvalue computation." and low performance.

What am I missing and what should I do ?

Thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide !

Best regards,

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