[Scip] Branch-Price to Branch-cut-Price

Cristina Núñez del Toro cristina.nunez at upc.edu
Fri Jun 6 19:30:42 CEST 2014

Dear Mailing List,

I am currently working on a Branch-and-Price algorithm. My next step is to
strength the LP relaxation at nodes, so I implemented a plug-in separator
in order to add cutting planes. My idea is to add cutting planes before
start looking for new columns.

However, I have noticed that at each node, the variable pricer plug-in is
executed in the first place and then, when no more columns are added, the
separator plug-in starts. Is there a way to change the order of the
plug-in's execution? i.e., start first with the separator and then, when no
more cuts can be added, execute the variable pricer? Maybe I am leaving out
a callback ?
Thanks in advance.

Cristina Nuñez
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