[Scip] Saving problem to .nl format produced by AMPL

Ramón Casero Cañas rcasero at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 00:20:30 CEST 2014

Dear all,

Sorry for the sligh off-topic. I'd like to compare SCIP to ipopt solving a
problem. I see that SCIP v 3.1.0 can save to formats

 file reader          extension  description
 -----------          ---------  -----------
 ccgreader                  ccg  file writer for column connectivity graph
file format
 cipreader                  cip  file reader for CIP (Constraint Integer
Program) format
 fznreader                  fzn  file reader for FlatZinc format
 gmsreader                  gms  file writer for MI(NL)(SOC)Ps in GAMS file
 lpreader                    lp  file reader for MIPs in IBM CPLEX's LP
file format
 mpsreader                  mps  file reader for MIQPs in IBM's
Mathematical Programming System format
 opbreader                  opb  file reader for pseudo-Boolean problem in
opb format
 pipreader                  pip  file reader for polynomial mixed-integer
programs in PIP format
 ppmreader                  ppm  file writer for portable pixmap file
format (PPM), open with common graphic viewer programs (e.g. xview)
 pbmreader                  pbm  file writer for portable bitmap file
format (PBM), open with common graphic viewer programs (e.g. xview)
 rlpreader                  rlp  file reader for MIPs in IBM CPLEX's RLP
file format
 wboreader                  wbo  file reader for pseudoboolean wbo file

but not to .nl, which is the format that the ipopt binary can load. Is
there a way to produce an .nl file from the .pip file that I use to load
the problem into SCIP?

Best regards,


Dr. Ramón Casero Cañas

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington

tlf         +44 (0) 1865 617716
twitter   @Ramon_Casero
web      http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/Ramon.CaseroCanas/
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