[Scip] Solution found, constraint not fulfilled

Ramón Casero Cañas rcasero at gmail.com
Sun May 25 20:02:52 CEST 2014

Dear all,

I have found a couple of cases where I provide a problem with constraints
to SCIP, I set the solution limit to 1, optimize, SCIP finds a solution,
but at least one of the constraints is not fulfilled.

I'm not too sure whether this is a finite precision problem (maybe I'm
doing something wrong). I have attached a model and solution to illustrate
the issue.

SCIP version 3.1.0, Linux 64 bit
SCIP> read /tmp/model-tpd4cbba1c_26fc_4b5c_81bf_0dcdffc1ec38.pip

read problem </tmp/model-tpd4cbba1c_26fc_4b5c_81bf_0dcdffc1ec38.pip>

original problem has 61 variables (0 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 61 cont) and 161
SCIP> set limits solutions 1
limits/solutions = 1
SCIP> optimize
  2.7s|     1 |     0 | 32399 |     - |2495k|   0 |   0 | 139 | 205 | 139
|1731 |1697 |   0 |   0 |-2.187679e+04 |-2.003787e+04 |   9.18%
  2.7s|     1 |     1 | 32399 |     - |2495k|   0 |   0 | 139 | 205 | 139
|1731 |1697 |   0 |   0 |-2.187679e+04 |-2.003787e+04 |   9.18%

SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [solution limit reached]
Solving Time (sec) : 2.67
Solving Nodes      : 1
Primal Bound       : -2.00378746938832e+04 (1 solutions)
Dual Bound         : -2.18767884307964e+04
Gap                : 9.18 %

SCIP> checksol

check best solution
solution is feasible in original problem

However, if we look at constraint 17:

 c17: -0.166666666666667 x197 y204 z202 + 0.166666666666667 x204 y197 z202
+ 0.166666666666667 x197 y202 z204 + -0.166666666666667 x202 y197 z204 +
-0.166666666666667 x204 y202 z197 + 0.166666666666667 x202 y204 z197 >=

The values provided by the solution are:

x197 =                               0.371685887161333;
y197  =                              -1.53809757847603;
z197   =                             -1.32501091239681;

x202  =                             0.0972528846406156;
y202  =                              -1.24399107862034;
z202  =                              -1.64395150486303;

x204 =                              -0.371685854531146;
y204  =                               1.53809760270505;
z204   =                              1.32501089342457;

If we put these values into the constraint above, we get

7.723300589346227e-09 >= 4.51681931542477e-08

which is false. I have found another case with a similar problem where the
left hand side of the inequality comes as a small negative number (~ -1e-8).

Is this kind of "constraint almost fulfilled" behaviour to be expected? Am
I missing something?

Best regards,


Dr. Ramón Casero Cañas

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington

tlf         +44 (0) 1865 617716
twitter   @Ramon_Casero
web      http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/Ramon.CaseroCanas/
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solution status: solution limit reached
objective value:                    -20037.8746938832
x41                                -0.718595464573985 	(obj:0)
y41                                  1.92185552263695 	(obj:0)
z41                                -0.222801225317342 	(obj:0)
x58                                  -1.0159294946835 	(obj:0)
y58                                  1.79549051083227 	(obj:0)
z58                                0.0604116292013748 	(obj:0)
x63                                -0.957137854324389 	(obj:0)
y63                                  1.82848738001702 	(obj:0)
z63                              -0.00833705806433609 	(obj:0)
x66                                -0.956345882068585 	(obj:0)
y66                                  1.82889813580048 	(obj:0)
z66                              -0.00909067188606538 	(obj:0)
x67                                -0.956200502292394 	(obj:0)
y67                                  1.82897346731159 	(obj:0)
z67                              -0.00922674836216925 	(obj:0)
x69                                -0.962762369497461 	(obj:0)
y69                                  1.82554872865362 	(obj:0)
z69                              -0.00298944646093406 	(obj:0)
x88                                 -1.26100234041855 	(obj:0)
y88                                  1.62138722022489 	(obj:0)
z88                                -0.201308363337688 	(obj:0)
x91                                 -1.26893927905173 	(obj:0)
y91                                  1.61524579863368 	(obj:0)
z91                                -0.200804864670299 	(obj:0)
x160                               -0.798929015238486 	(obj:0)
y160                               0.0105648153385859 	(obj:0)
z160                                 -1.9029317620152 	(obj:0)
x166                               -0.456905468044929 	(obj:0)
y166                               -0.490330888660671 	(obj:0)
z166                                -1.95201472599344 	(obj:0)
x168                               -0.455859870756358 	(obj:0)
y168                               -0.491716207600773 	(obj:0)
z168                                -1.95191071184521 	(obj:0)
x181                               -0.368856875454313 	(obj:0)
y181                               -0.764321207873297 	(obj:0)
z181                                 -1.8813043810677 	(obj:0)
x183                               -0.160133366059923 	(obj:0)
y183                                -0.85441903350053 	(obj:0)
z183                                -1.87186374981345 	(obj:0)
x188                                -1.25010119192503 	(obj:0)
y188                              -0.0681417226364477 	(obj:0)
z188                                -1.64077792317641 	(obj:0)
x197                                0.371685887161333 	(obj:0)
y197                                -1.53809757847603 	(obj:0)
z197                                -1.32501091239681 	(obj:0)
x202                               0.0972528846406156 	(obj:0)
y202                                -1.24399107862034 	(obj:0)
z202                                -1.64395150486303 	(obj:0)
x204                               -0.371685854531146 	(obj:0)
y204                                 1.53809760270505 	(obj:0)
z204                                 1.32501089342457 	(obj:0)
x253                                -1.90336921896639 	(obj:0)
y253                               -0.783037080803319 	(obj:0)
z253                               -0.153580675794921 	(obj:0)
x260                                -1.88824797901103 	(obj:0)
y260                               -0.815299413826014 	(obj:0)
z260                               -0.171332755698045 	(obj:0)
x268                                 -1.7922425039862 	(obj:0)
y268                               -0.981530204797257 	(obj:0)
z268                               -0.289851240423906 	(obj:0)
quadobjvar                          -20037.8746938832 	(obj:1)
nlreform0                         0.00286131237123599 	(obj:0)
nlreform1                           0.128861131565779 	(obj:0)
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nlreform21                          0.571689112808148 	(obj:0)
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nlreform26                       -0.00482712189708484 	(obj:0)
nlreform27                          0.935702389341171 	(obj:0)
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