[Scip] Fractional Solution

Bahareh Eghtesadi b.eghtesadi at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 03:36:45 CEST 2015

Dear all,

I am implementing a b&p algorithm. In my problem, I have a set of binary
variables (beside  the decomposition variables) in my master problem, call
them psi,  for which I have a branching rule. In my branching rule, the
options for constructor is:
ObjBranchrule( scip, name, "branchs on Original vars", 50000 , -1 , 1.0)

I also want to check the integrality of the original variables(call x). For
that, I have a conshdlr with following options:

ObjConshdlr(scip, name, "....",-10000 , 50000 , 10000, -1,  -1 , 1 , 0 ,

In this conshdlr, in the CONSENFOLP method, I find the values of the
original variables and if they are not integer, I call SCIPcreateChild.

However, in the optimal solution, all the psi variables are binary, but the
original variables are continuous. The objective function value is also
less than the optimal obj. value(I already know it).
I have tried to track down the b&b tree, and it seems whenever all the
binary variables(psi) are binary, it takes it as the optimal solution
eventhough there are some fractional x.
I also changed the priority of the conshdlr to be less than the branching
rule's. Then, the same solution is caught with less number of

I am not sure how to check what happens after the psi s are binary, and why
it doesnt go to the CONSENFOLP method after that. Is there a reason for
happening this?
I attached the output file with statistics and the branching statistics.

Thanks in advance.
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