[Scip] Binpacking example

Aao Du aaoduu at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 17:49:45 CET 2015

Dear all,

I have just started using SCIP. I want to implement a B&P algorithm in C++.
I am looking at the Bin Packing example as template. As I think I will need
to have branching rule, pricer and a conshdlr as well.
I am, however, confused with some point and cant figure out how it works. I
was hoping I can get help here.

First, I cant find where in the example the master problem is being solved,
i.e. I dont see SCIPsolve(scip) anywhere in the code! I am totaly lost
about it. I was expecting to use it as in the VRP example after creating
scip and including pricer(and in this case branch rule and conshdlr).

Second, in the master problem, all the variables are given as binary(not
continuous) and then we are trying to get the dual values of the master
problem, isnt this wrong? I cant get how this works.

Thanks in advance,

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