[Scip] Binpacking example

Aao Du aaoduu at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 04:04:47 CET 2015

Also, I have been struggling with this error, so I was hoping you can help
me out there.
In my branching rule, I am creating two branches and two consdatas and
therefore two constraints for each node. But, I am getting error while
calling SCIPcreatecons(scip, con, name, consdata, conshdlr,...). The error
is :
ERROR: can not create constraint of type conshdlr
ERROR <-8> in function call

I have checked that consdata is created and the conshdlr is found before
calling this function. I dont know what else can cause this.
I would be thankful for your help.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Aao Du <aaoduu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have just started using SCIP. I want to implement a B&P algorithm in
> C++. I am looking at the Bin Packing example as template. As I think I will
> need to have branching rule, pricer and a conshdlr as well.
> I am, however, confused with some point and cant figure out how it works.
> I was hoping I can get help here.
> First, I cant find where in the example the master problem is being
> solved, i.e. I dont see SCIPsolve(scip) anywhere in the code! I am totaly
> lost about it. I was expecting to use it as in the VRP example after
> creating scip and including pricer(and in this case branch rule and
> conshdlr).
> Second, in the master problem, all the variables are given as binary(not
> continuous) and then we are trying to get the dual values of the master
> problem, isnt this wrong? I cant get how this works.
> Thanks in advance,
> Emily
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