[SCIP] Non-Integer Parameter Inputs
Jakob Witzig
witzig at zib.de
Wed Apr 20 15:26:40 CEST 2016
Hi Nick,
when you try it, you will get the following output:
SCIP/set/separating/advanced> maxruns 9.643
separating/maxruns = 9
I.e, the parameter will set to the next smallest integer value.
Am 20.04.2016 um 14:46 schrieb Nick Michael:
> Hi there,
> I was just wondering how SCIP handles non-integer parameter inputs for
> integer restricted parameters.
> e.g. separating/maxruns = 9.643
> Thanks,
> Nick
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Jakob Witzig
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Division Mathematical Optimization and Scientific Information
Research Group Mathematical Optimization Methods
Takustrasse 7
14195 Berlin
Tel. : +49 (0)30 84185-416
Fax : +49 (0)30 84185-269
email: witzig at zib.de
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