[SCIP] Memory cost problem of GCG

zhangtiancy at 163.com zhangtiancy at 163.com
Thu Apr 21 11:19:49 CEST 2016

Dear all,

I tried to solve an IP problem about aircraft routing using SCIP and GCG. 

SCIP can solve a small problem instance with two aircraft, while GCG failed for the same problem instance by reporting a need of more than 16GB of memory but my computer only has 8GB in total.

I then tested by a larger problem instance with seven aircraft, now GCG even called for more than 60GB of memory.

I'm new to SCIP and wondering why GCG need so many memory?

Since I really want to test solving this problem using the branch-and-price method and compare the performance with other traditional MIP solvers, could you please give some advice on how to overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance.

Tianci Zhang

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