[SCIP] SCIP and Google Hash Code

Lorenzo Gentile lorenzo.gentile at moxoff.com
Fri Feb 5 15:25:54 CET 2016


I would like to join the competition Google Hash Code (
https://hashcode.withgoogle.com/) and I would like to know:

- Am I allowed to use SCIP in the competition if I partecipate with friends?
- Am I allowed to use SCIP in the competition if I partecipate with my
colleagues as a company?

Google says in this page https://hashcode.withgoogle.com/rules.html:

Your team must develop original code to generate your solution. You may use
publicly released libraries. To be valid, every code submission must
include a file (typically a ZIP archive) containing the source code of the
program you developed to generate the solution. The quality of the code
will not be considered in scoring, but the Jury will check the originality
of the code, and may award special prizes for some achievements.

Thanks in advance,

Lorenzo Gentile
Analyst and Developer
Moxoff srl - Spinoff del Politecnico di Milano
Via Giovanni Durando 38/A - 20158 Milano (Italia)
lorenzo.gentile at moxoff.com
+39 02 23992963
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