[SCIP] How to get all the 2 solutions with SCIP solver?

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Mon Feb 22 12:24:06 CET 2016


On 02/20/2016 10:10 PM, Fred Young wrote:
> Hi, Stefan,
>        Thanks for your fast and detailed reply.
> Now, I have another question about speeding up the computation. As what I
> mentioned, in my MINLP problem, all variables are either binary or integer,
> so continuous iterations are unnecessary at all, how can I limit the
> iterations to only integer via setting SCIP options?
>      In fact, I have already used function xtype =
> [repmat('B',1,nB),repmat('I',1,nI)]  to set the types of the variables, but
> sometimes when I manually interrupt the computation by key "CTRL+C", I got
> some results of variables like 1e-14, so I think the iteration process
> still covered the continuous, is it true?   Do you know other options could
> take effect?

You might want to look up how the SCIP algorithm (branch-and-cut with a 
linear (continuous) relaxation) is working: http://scip.zib.de/#about
In short, SCIP works with a relaxation of the problem where the binary 
and integer variables are relaxed to continuous variables and then 
enforces integrality by successively dividing the problem into smaller 
subproblems, e.g., when a binary variable takes a fractional value in a 
relaxation solution, SCIP creates two subproblems, one where the 
variable is fixed to 0 and another where it is fixed to 1.
What to consider fractional is up to tolerances (see numerics/feastol 
option). Thus, being away by 1e-14 from an integral value is still 
considered as satisfying the integrality requirement on the variables.

Hope that helps,

> Thanks again for your help.
> Best regards,
> Fred Young
> 2016-02-18 18:57 GMT+02:00 Stefan Vigerske <stefan at math.hu-berlin.de>:
>> Hi,
>> On 02/18/2016 02:31 PM, Fred Young wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I used the academic version of OPTI toolbox with SCIP solver to solve a
>>> MINLP problem, all the variables are either binary or integer.
>>> After the implementation of the code,  I found the matlab command window
>>> outputs:
>>> ........
>>> ........
>>> SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [node limit reached]
>>> Solving Time (sec) : 239.07
>>> Solving Nodes      : 10000
>>> Primal Bound       : +8.08620534391534e+000 (2 solutions)
>>> Dual Bound         : +7.60332402116402e+000
>>> Gap                : 6.35
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Now I have two questions:
>>> (1)   "......Primal Bound       : +8.08620534391534e+000 (2
>>> solutions)...."
>>> , it says there are 2 solutions, does this mean that  there are two group
>>> of variables x_i can bring the same result fval of min  f(x)?
>> The second solution will have an equal or worse fval, likely to be worse
>> one.
>>   If so, using
>>> function [x,fval,exitflag,info] = solve(Opt,x0) I could get only one group
>>> of solution of x_i,  how can I get another one?
>> You should ask that the OptiToolbox developers. They would need to make
>> this functionality available in their interface.
>>   And, when I limited SCIP
>>> solution to '1' using the following code, it seems do not work,  it still
>>> output: ......(2 solutions)......, why?
>>> sopts = scipset('scipopts',{'limits/solutions',1});
>>> opts =
>>> optiset('solver','scip','display','iter','maxtime',1000,'maxnodes',10000);
>>> Opt  =
>>> opti('fun',fun,'nlmix',nlcon,nlrhs,nle,'bounds',lb,ub,'ineq',A,b,'eq',Aeq,beq,'xtype',xtype,'opts',opts)
>> Maybe you need pass the sopts into opti() somehow.
>>    (2) "...... SCIP Status: solving was interrupted [node limit
>>> reached]......"  Does this mean that It already got the optimization
>>> solution under current parameters of SCIP solver?  After increasing the
>>> maxtime and the maxnodes by 'opts =
>>> optiset('solver','scip','display','iter','maxtime',10000,'maxnodes',100000);
>>> '  I found that the resulted x_i and fval remain the same as before except
>>> it cost more time.  Dose this mean that I have already got the optimal
>>> feasible solution?
>> It just means that SCIP has not found a better solution when going beyond
>> 10000 nodes.
>> SCIP tries to find a global optimal solution, that is it wants to find a
>> feasible solution and prove that it is optimal. The gap of 6.35 that SCIP
>> reports at the end in its log tells you that the solution that it reports
>> has an objective functional value that is proven by SCIP to be at most
>> 6.35% way from the optimal value of the problem. If you don't set time and
>> node limits, SCIP would go on until it can close the gap to 0.
>> I would thanks a million if someone can tell me how to get the optimal
>>> feasible solution in my case.
>> 17.
>> It may be worthwhile to try setting the SCIP option
>>    constraints/quadratic/replacebinaryprod = 0
>> Stefan
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fred Young
>>> All the matlab command window outputs:
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Mixed Integer Nonlinear Program (MINLP) Optimization
>>>    min  f(x)
>>>    s.t. Ax <= b
>>>         Aeqx = beq
>>>         lb <= x <= ub
>>>         ceq(x) = deq
>>>         xi = Integer / Binary
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>      Problem Properties:
>>> # Decision Variables:      1872
>>> # Constraints:             7216
>>>     # Linear Inequality:     864
>>>     # Linear Equality:       152
>>>     # Bounds:                3744
>>>     # Binary Variables:      1296
>>>     # Integer Variables:     576
>>>     # Nonlinear Equality:    584
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>     Solver Parameters:
>>> Solver:                    SCIP
>>> Objective Gradient:        Not Required
>>> Constraint Jacobian:       Not Required
>>> Jacobian Structure:        Not Required
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> presolving:
>>> (round 1, fast)       432 del vars, 293 del conss, 144 add conss, 144 chg
>>> bounds, 195 chg sides, 5 chg coeffs, 433 upgd conss, 0 impls, 144 clqs
>>> (round 2, fast)       433 del vars, 294 del conss, 144 add conss, 146 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 721 upgd conss, 0 impls, 144 clqs
>>> (round 3, fast)       433 del vars, 294 del conss, 532 add conss, 146 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 721 upgd conss, 0 impls, 144 clqs
>>> (round 4, fast)       433 del vars, 294 del conss, 532 add conss, 146 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 729 upgd conss, 0 impls, 4918 clqs
>>> (round 5, exhaustive) 433 del vars, 434 del conss, 532 add conss, 146 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 729 upgd conss, 0 impls, 4926 clqs
>>> (round 6, exhaustive) 433 del vars, 434 del conss, 532 add conss, 146 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 0 impls, 4926 clqs
>>> (round 7, fast)       433 del vars, 434 del conss, 568 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 144 impls, 4926
>>> clqs
>>> (round 8, exhaustive) 433 del vars, 470 del conss, 568 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 144 impls, 4926
>>> clqs
>>> (round 9, exhaustive) 458 del vars, 470 del conss, 568 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>> (round 10, fast)       458 del vars, 487 del conss, 712 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>> (round 11, exhaustive) 458 del vars, 495 del conss, 768 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>> (round 12, exhaustive) 458 del vars, 567 del conss, 768 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1241 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>> (round 13, exhaustive) 458 del vars, 567 del conss, 768 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>> (round 14, medium)     458 del vars, 639 del conss, 768 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 44359 impls, 51270
>>> clqs
>>>      (0.8s) probing: 1000/1396 (71.6) - 17 fixings, 8 aggregations, 92016
>>> implications, 0 bound changes
>>> (round 15, exhaustive) 483 del vars, 639 del conss, 768 add conss, 218 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 16, fast)       483 del vars, 642 del conss, 912 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 339 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 17, fast)       483 del vars, 676 del conss, 912 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 18, exhaustive) 483 del vars, 681 del conss, 968 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 19, exhaustive) 483 del vars, 753 del conss, 968 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1313 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 20, exhaustive) 483 del vars, 753 del conss, 968 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 21, medium)     483 del vars, 808 del conss, 968 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50716
>>> clqs
>>> (round 22, exhaustive) 508 del vars, 808 del conss, 968 add conss, 235 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 23, fast)       508 del vars, 831 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 373 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 24, fast)       508 del vars, 835 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 25, exhaustive) 508 del vars, 841 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1385 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 26, exhaustive) 508 del vars, 841 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 27, medium)     508 del vars, 858 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 50131
>>> clqs
>>> (round 28, exhaustive) 533 del vars, 858 del conss, 993 add conss, 237 chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 49556
>>> clqs
>>> (round 29, fast)       533 del vars, 883 del conss, 1018 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 49556
>>> clqs
>>> (round 30, exhaustive) 533 del vars, 908 del conss, 1018 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 49556
>>> clqs
>>> (round 31, exhaustive) 558 del vars, 908 del conss, 1018 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48981
>>> clqs
>>> (round 32, fast)       558 del vars, 933 del conss, 1043 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48981
>>> clqs
>>> (round 33, exhaustive) 558 del vars, 958 del conss, 1043 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48981
>>> clqs
>>> (round 34, exhaustive) 583 del vars, 958 del conss, 1043 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48400
>>> clqs
>>> (round 35, fast)       583 del vars, 983 del conss, 1068 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48400
>>> clqs
>>> (round 36, exhaustive) 583 del vars, 992 del conss, 1068 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1404 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48400
>>> clqs
>>> (round 37, exhaustive) 583 del vars, 992 del conss, 1068 add conss, 237
>>> chg
>>> bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1420 upgd conss, 45517 impls, 48400
>>> clqs
>>> (round 38, medium)     583 del vars, 1008 del conss, 1068 add conss, 237
>>> chg bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1420 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 48400 clqs
>>> (round 39, exhaustive) 608 del vars, 1008 del conss, 1068 add conss, 237
>>> chg bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1420 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47700 clqs
>>> (round 40, fast)       608 del vars, 1011 del conss, 1093 add conss, 262
>>> chg bounds, 377 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1420 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47700 clqs
>>> (round 41, fast)       608 del vars, 1058 del conss, 1093 add conss, 262
>>> chg bounds, 419 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1420 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47700 clqs
>>> (round 42, exhaustive) 608 del vars, 1058 del conss, 1093 add conss, 262
>>> chg bounds, 419 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47700 clqs
>>> (round 43, exhaustive) 633 del vars, 1058 del conss, 1093 add conss, 262
>>> chg bounds, 419 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47000 clqs
>>> (round 44, fast)       633 del vars, 1068 del conss, 1118 add conss, 287
>>> chg bounds, 419 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47000 clqs
>>> (round 45, fast)       633 del vars, 1108 del conss, 1118 add conss, 287
>>> chg bounds, 444 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 47000 clqs
>>> (round 46, exhaustive) 658 del vars, 1108 del conss, 1118 add conss, 287
>>> chg bounds, 444 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 46300 clqs
>>> (round 47, fast)       658 del vars, 1108 del conss, 1143 add conss, 312
>>> chg bounds, 444 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 46300 clqs
>>> (round 48, fast)       658 del vars, 1158 del conss, 1143 add conss, 312
>>> chg bounds, 469 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 45517 impls,
>>> 46300 clqs
>>>      (1.3s) probing cycle finished: starting next cycle
>>> (round 49, exhaustive) 683 del vars, 1158 del conss, 1143 add conss, 330
>>> chg bounds, 469 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 50, fast)       683 del vars, 1194 del conss, 1287 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 498 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 51, fast)       683 del vars, 1199 del conss, 1287 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 52, exhaustive) 683 del vars, 1203 del conss, 1301 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 53, exhaustive) 683 del vars, 1268 del conss, 1301 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1437 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 54, exhaustive) 683 del vars, 1268 del conss, 1301 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 55, medium)     683 del vars, 1326 del conss, 1301 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45714 clqs
>>> (round 56, exhaustive) 708 del vars, 1326 del conss, 1301 add conss, 333
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 57, fast)       708 del vars, 1335 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 503 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 58, fast)       708 del vars, 1351 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 59, exhaustive) 708 del vars, 1353 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1509 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 60, exhaustive) 708 del vars, 1353 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1530 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 61, medium)     708 del vars, 1358 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1530 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 45245 clqs
>>> (round 62, exhaustive) 733 del vars, 1358 del conss, 1333 add conss, 358
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1530 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 44470 clqs
>>> (round 63, fast)       733 del vars, 1362 del conss, 1360 add conss, 383
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1530 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 44470 clqs
>>> (round 64, fast)       733 del vars, 1383 del conss, 1360 add conss, 383
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1530 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 44470 clqs
>>> (round 65, exhaustive) 733 del vars, 1384 del conss, 1360 add conss, 383
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1531 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 44470 clqs
>>> (round 66, exhaustive) 758 del vars, 1385 del conss, 1360 add conss, 383
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1531 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43695 clqs
>>> (round 67, fast)       758 del vars, 1385 del conss, 1387 add conss, 408
>>> chg bounds, 519 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1531 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43695 clqs
>>> (round 68, fast)       758 del vars, 1410 del conss, 1387 add conss, 408
>>> chg bounds, 530 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1531 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43695 clqs
>>> (round 69, exhaustive) 758 del vars, 1411 del conss, 1387 add conss, 408
>>> chg bounds, 530 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1543 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43695 clqs
>>> (round 70, exhaustive) 783 del vars, 1412 del conss, 1387 add conss, 408
>>> chg bounds, 530 chg sides, 149 chg coeffs, 1543 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 71, fast)       783 del vars, 1413 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 530 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1543 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 72, fast)       783 del vars, 1438 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 555 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1543 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 73, exhaustive) 783 del vars, 1440 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 577 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1543 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 74, exhaustive) 783 del vars, 1440 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 577 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 75, medium)     783 del vars, 1442 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 577 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 43403 clqs
>>> (round 76, exhaustive) 808 del vars, 1442 del conss, 1416 add conss, 450
>>> chg bounds, 577 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 77, fast)       808 del vars, 1455 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 577 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 78, fast)       808 del vars, 1480 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 596 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 79, exhaustive) 808 del vars, 1482 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1570 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 80, exhaustive) 808 del vars, 1482 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 81, medium)     808 del vars, 1484 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42865 clqs
>>> (round 82, exhaustive) 833 del vars, 1484 del conss, 1445 add conss, 494
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42215 clqs
>>> (round 83, fast)       833 del vars, 1484 del conss, 1472 add conss, 544
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42215 clqs
>>> (round 84, fast)       833 del vars, 1509 del conss, 1472 add conss, 544
>>> chg bounds, 621 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42215 clqs
>>> (round 85, exhaustive) 833 del vars, 1510 del conss, 1472 add conss, 544
>>> chg bounds, 646 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1578 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 42215 clqs
>>> (round 86, exhaustive) 858 del vars, 1510 del conss, 1472 add conss, 544
>>> chg bounds, 646 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1579 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 41565 clqs
>>> (round 87, fast)       858 del vars, 1515 del conss, 1499 add conss, 582
>>> chg bounds, 646 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1579 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 41565 clqs
>>> (round 88, fast)       858 del vars, 1535 del conss, 1499 add conss, 582
>>> chg bounds, 655 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1579 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 41565 clqs
>>> (round 89, exhaustive) 858 del vars, 1537 del conss, 1499 add conss, 582
>>> chg bounds, 680 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1579 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 41565 clqs
>>> (round 90, exhaustive) 858 del vars, 1537 del conss, 1499 add conss, 582
>>> chg bounds, 680 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1589 upgd conss, 46779 impls,
>>> 41565 clqs
>>>      (2.1s) probing: 1000/1151 (86.9) - 413 fixings, 18 aggregations,
>>> 152895
>>> implications, 18 bound changes
>>>      (2.1s) probing: 1076/1151 (93.5) - 413 fixings, 18 aggregations,
>>> 153854
>>> implications, 20 bound changes
>>>      (2.1s) probing aborted: 50/50 successive totally useless probings
>>> (round 91, exhaustive) 864 del vars, 1538 del conss, 1499 add conss, 584
>>> chg bounds, 680 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1589 upgd conss, 104682 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 92, fast)       865 del vars, 1540 del conss, 1642 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 681 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1589 upgd conss, 104682 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 93, fast)       865 del vars, 1543 del conss, 1642 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 683 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1589 upgd conss, 104682 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 94, fast)       865 del vars, 1543 del conss, 1645 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 683 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1590 upgd conss, 104682 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 95, medium)     866 del vars, 1545 del conss, 1645 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 683 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1590 upgd conss, 104684 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 96, exhaustive) 866 del vars, 1618 del conss, 1645 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 740 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1590 upgd conss, 104684 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 97, exhaustive) 867 del vars, 1619 del conss, 1645 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 740 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1661 upgd conss, 104684 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>> (round 98, medium)     867 del vars, 1687 del conss, 1645 add conss, 590
>>> chg bounds, 740 chg sides, 152 chg coeffs, 1661 upgd conss, 104684 impls,
>>> 41203 clqs
>>>      (2.2s) probing: 1081/1151 (93.9) - 413 fixings, 18 aggregations,
>>> 153854
>>> implications, 20 bound changes
>>>      (2.2s) probing aborted: 50/50 successive totally useless probings
>>> presolving (99 rounds: 99 fast, 61 medium, 51 exhaustive):
>>>    868 deleted vars, 1688 deleted constraints, 1645 added constraints, 590
>>> tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 740 changed sides, 152 changed
>>> coefficients
>>>    104684 implications, 41203 cliques
>>> presolved problem has 1394 variables (964 bin, 430 int, 0 impl, 0 cont)
>>> and
>>> 1558 constraints
>>>       232 constraints of type <varbound>
>>>       159 constraints of type <setppc>
>>>       372 constraints of type <and>
>>>       365 constraints of type <linear>
>>>       287 constraints of type <bounddisjunction>
>>>       143 constraints of type <quadratic>
>>> Presolving Time: 2.20
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     2.4s|     1 |     0 |  1506 |     - |  27M|   0 |  70 |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1573 |   0 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |      --      |    Inf
>>> U 4.8s|     1 |     0 |  1876 |     - |  28M|   0 |  70 |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1573 |   0 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>     5.0s|     1 |     0 |  3072 |     - |  29M|   0 |  76 |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1727 | 154 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>     5.0s|     1 |     0 |  3072 |     - |  28M|   0 |  76 |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1661 | 154 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>     5.1s|     1 |     0 |  4517 |     - |  28M|   0 | 121 |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1738 | 231 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>     5.3s|     1 |     0 |  6017 |     - |  29M|   0 |   - |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1808 | 301 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>> (node 1) LP solver hit iteration limit in LP 14 -- using pseudo solution
>>> instead
>>>     5.3s|     1 |     2 |  6017 |     - |  29M|   0 |   - |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |1808 | 301 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>    10.6s|   100 |   101 |160155 |1556.9 |  28M|  35 |   - |1394 |1661 |1394
>>> |2084 | 597 |  30 |   0 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>>    32.3s|   200 |   140 |292842 |1441.3 |  29M|  56 | 104 |1394 |1722 |1394
>>> |2543 |2772 |  91 | 646 |7.603324e+000 |9.691415e+000 |  27.46
>>> N32.5s|   201 |   134 |292854 |1434.2 |  29M|  56 | 121 |1394 |1722 |1394
>>> |2456 |2776 |  91 | 646 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    38.0s|   300 |   204 |364525 |1199.0 |  30M|  56 |  79 |1394 |2041 |1394
>>> |2449 |3986 | 410 | 692 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    42.1s|   400 |   272 |420219 |1038.1 |  31M|  56 |   - |1394 |2134 |1394
>>> |2554 |6952 | 503 | 728 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    49.2s|   500 |   333 |502763 | 995.5 |  33M|  56 |   - |1394 |2261 |1394
>>> |2451 |9029 | 630 | 923 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>>    53.9s|   600 |   398 |550036 | 908.2 |  35M|  56 |   - |1394 |2342 |1394
>>> |2536 |9305 | 711 |1050 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>> Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file
>>> "..\src\Interfaces\IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 887:
>>>    Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false:
>>> Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!
>>>    57.5s|   700 |   479 |573286 | 811.5 |  36M|  56 |   0 |1394 |2363 |1394
>>> |2531 |9311 | 732 |1051 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>    60.9s|   800 |   551 |608641 | 754.2 |  36M|  56 |   - |1394 |2396 |1394
>>> |2479 |9414 | 765 |1085 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    63.8s|   900 |   636 |634218 | 698.8 |  36M|  56 |   0 |1394 |2411 |1394
>>> |2497 |9458 | 780 |1095 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    66.1s|  1000 |   726 |668357 | 663.0 |  37M|  58 |   0 |1394 |2428 |1394
>>> |2488 |9530 | 797 |1112 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    67.6s|  1100 |   808 |691944 | 624.1 |  37M|  59 |  78 |1394 |2456 |1394
>>> |2505 |9604 | 825 |1113 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    69.2s|  1200 |   874 |720825 | 596.2 |  37M|  59 |   0 |1394 |2503 |1394
>>> |2484 |9620 | 872 |1114 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    70.7s|  1300 |   933 |742613 | 567.0 |  38M|  62 |   0 |1394 |2585 |1394
>>> |2472 |9699 | 954 |1143 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    72.0s|  1400 |  1016 |763149 | 541.2 |  38M|  62 |   - |1394 |2619 |   0
>>> |   0 |9731 | 988 |1158 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    73.3s|  1500 |  1106 |777721 | 514.8 |  38M|  65 |   0 |1394 |2679 |1394
>>> |2472 |9774 |1049 |1202 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    74.8s|  1600 |  1198 |799643 | 496.3 |  39M|  65 |   - |1394 |2718 |1394
>>> |2486 |9819 |1088 |1231 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    79.2s|  1700 |  1278 |834099 | 487.4 |  39M|  67 |  30 |1394 |2743 |1394
>>> |2481 |  10k|1115 |1436 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    81.5s|  1800 |  1362 |871231 | 480.9 |  40M|  67 |   0 |1394 |2776 |1394
>>> |2492 |  10k|1149 |1478 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    83.4s|  1900 |  1455 |896126 | 468.7 |  40M|  67 |   0 |1394 |2795 |1394
>>> |2475 |  11k|1168 |1506 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    86.1s|  2000 |  1545 |938346 | 466.4 |  40M|  68 |   0 |1394 |2828 |1394
>>> |2486 |  11k|1201 |1573 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    87.6s|  2100 |  1635 |965002 | 456.9 |  41M|  72 |   0 |1394 |2833 |1394
>>> |2488 |  12k|1207 |1577 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    89.2s|  2200 |  1715 |986873 | 446.0 |  41M|  78 |   0 |1394 |2894 |1394
>>> |2487 |  12k|1269 |1628 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>    94.4s|  2300 |  1797 |  1057k| 457.5 |  41M|  78 |   - |1394 |2870 |1394
>>> |2807 |  13k|1280 |1716 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    98.2s|  2400 |  1884 |  1123k| 465.7 |  42M|  78 |   0 |1394 |2865 |1394
>>> |2487 |  15k|1287 |1783 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    99.5s|  2500 |  1984 |  1142k| 454.9 |  42M|  78 |   0 |1394 |2865 |1394
>>> |2486 |  15k|1287 |1802 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     100s|  2600 |  2084 |  1147k| 439.2 |  43M|  78 |   0 |1394 |2864 |1394
>>> |2479 |  15k|1287 |1802 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     102s|  2700 |  2172 |  1172k| 432.2 |  43M|  78 |   0 |1394 |2883 |1394
>>> |2481 |  16k|1306 |1845 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     103s|  2800 |  2260 |  1192k| 423.8 |  43M|  99 |   1 |1394 |2890 |1394
>>> |2480 |  16k|1318 |1866 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     105s|  2900 |  2343 |  1223k| 419.9 |  44M| 106 |  14 |1394 |2905 |1394
>>> |2711 |  17k|1335 |1917 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     107s|  3000 |  2420 |  1242k| 412.3 |  44M| 106 |   2 |1394 |2966 |1394
>>> |2673 |  18k|1403 |2087 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     108s|  3100 |  2520 |  1251k| 402.0 |  45M| 106 |   1 |1394 |3008 |1394
>>> |2505 |  18k|1449 |2092 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     109s|  3200 |  2618 |  1253k| 390.0 |  45M| 106 |   0 |1394 |3017 |1394
>>> |2504 |  18k|1458 |2093 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     110s|  3300 |  2710 |  1268k| 382.8 |  45M| 106 |   - |1394 |3015 |   0
>>> |   0 |  18k|1458 |2101 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     112s|  3400 |  2804 |  1279k| 374.6 |  46M| 106 |   0 |1394 |3019 |1394
>>> |2473 |  18k|1467 |2106 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     113s|  3500 |  2890 |  1301k| 370.2 |  46M| 106 |   1 |1394 |3039 |1394
>>> |2473 |  19k|1487 |2106 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     115s|  3600 |  2981 |  1312k| 363.1 |  46M| 106 |  46 |1394 |3038 |1394
>>> |2627 |  19k|1506 |2135 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     117s|  3700 |  3058 |  1347k| 362.6 |  47M| 106 |   6 |1394 |3037 |1394
>>> |2487 |  20k|1535 |2157 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     118s|  3800 |  3150 |  1355k| 355.2 |  47M| 107 |  76 |1394 |3032 |1394
>>> |2540 |  20k|1540 |2175 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     119s|  3900 |  3224 |  1376k| 351.4 |  47M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3018 |1394
>>> |2488 |  21k|1559 |2211 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     121s|  4000 |  3314 |  1390k| 346.3 |  48M| 110 |   - |1394 |3008 |1394
>>> |2677 |  21k|1572 |2263 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     124s|  4100 |  3386 |  1447k| 351.8 |  48M| 110 |  54 |1394 |3002 |1394
>>> |2646 |  23k|1590 |2283 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     126s|  4200 |  3470 |  1484k| 352.1 |  48M| 110 |   8 |1394 |2989 |1394
>>> |2501 |  24k|1591 |2298 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     128s|  4300 |  3560 |  1510k| 350.1 |  49M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3003 |1394
>>> |2524 |  25k|1611 |2311 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     129s|  4400 |  3642 |  1531k| 346.7 |  49M| 110 |  24 |1394 |3006 |1394
>>> |2609 |  25k|1631 |2317 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     130s|  4500 |  3727 |  1544k| 341.9 |  49M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3010 |1394
>>> |2535 |  26k|1647 |2339 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     131s|  4600 |  3819 |  1548k| 335.5 |  50M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3011 |1394
>>> |2537 |  26k|1650 |2345 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     132s|  4700 |  3917 |  1553k| 329.3 |  50M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3009 |1394
>>> |2537 |  26k|1650 |2357 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     133s|  4800 |  4011 |  1557k| 323.3 |  50M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3012 |1394
>>> |2537 |  26k|1654 |2357 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     135s|  4900 |  4084 |  1589k| 323.3 |  51M| 110 |  21 |1394 |3020 |1394
>>> |2542 |  27k|1671 |2367 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     137s|  5000 |  4138 |  1618k| 322.5 |  51M| 110 |  11 |1394 |3026 |1394
>>> |2543 |  28k|1707 |2402 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     138s|  5100 |  4192 |  1635k| 319.5 |  52M| 110 |  47 |1394 |3055 |1394
>>> |2571 |  29k|1741 |2415 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     140s|  5200 |  4260 |  1659k| 318.1 |  52M| 110 |  11 |1394 |3066 |1394
>>> |2642 |  30k|1771 |2462 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     142s|  5300 |  4321 |  1703k| 320.4 |  53M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3055 |1394
>>> |2532 |  30k|1775 |2469 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     144s|  5400 |  4394 |  1733k| 319.9 |  53M| 110 |  11 |1394 |3085 |1394
>>> |2533 |  31k|1816 |2477 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     145s|  5500 |  4449 |  1770k| 320.8 |  54M| 110 |   - |1394 |3079 |1394
>>> |2543 |  32k|1831 |2486 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     146s|  5600 |  4529 |  1783k| 317.4 |  54M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3096 |1394
>>> |2537 |  32k|1858 |2508 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     147s|  5700 |  4623 |  1790k| 313.2 |  54M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3084 |1394
>>> |2538 |  32k|1858 |2516 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     149s|  5800 |  4717 |  1804k| 310.2 |  55M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3072 |1394
>>> |2537 |  32k|1863 |2531 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     151s|  5900 |  4805 |  1828k| 308.9 |  55M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3062 |1394
>>> |2538 |  33k|1863 |2537 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     152s|  6000 |  4896 |  1834k| 304.8 |  56M| 110 |   0 |1394 |3067 |1394
>>> |2487 |  33k|1872 |2542 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     153s|  6100 |  4984 |  1846k| 301.7 |  56M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3062 |1394
>>> |2537 |  33k|1873 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     155s|  6200 |  5066 |  1861k| 299.2 |  56M| 110 |   1 |1394 |3059 |1394
>>> |2485 |  33k|1879 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     157s|  6300 |  5156 |  1866k| 295.3 |  57M| 110 |   1 |1394 |3057 |1394
>>> |2537 |  33k|1879 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     159s|  6400 |  5236 |  1874k| 291.9 |  57M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3053 |1394
>>> |2537 |  33k|1879 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     162s|  6500 |  5316 |  1889k| 289.8 |  58M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3049 |1394
>>> |2537 |  33k|1883 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     165s|  6600 |  5386 |  1912k| 288.9 |  58M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3044 |1394
>>> |2537 |  33k|1885 |2551 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     167s|  6700 |  5468 |  1934k| 287.9 |  59M| 110 |   - |1394 |3039 |   0
>>> |   0 |  34k|1891 |2556 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     171s|  6800 |  5550 |  1957k| 287.0 |  59M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3030 |1394
>>> |2486 |  34k|1898 |2561 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     173s|  6900 |  5630 |  1964k| 283.9 |  60M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3024 |1394
>>> |2473 |  34k|1898 |2561 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     175s|  7000 |  5712 |  1975k| 281.4 |  60M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3020 |1394
>>> |2539 |  34k|1898 |2561 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     178s|  7100 |  5784 |  2002k| 281.3 |  61M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3030 |1394
>>> |2487 |  34k|1913 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     180s|  7200 |  5856 |  2025k| 280.5 |  61M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3021 |1394
>>> |2487 |  34k|1918 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     183s|  7300 |  5942 |  2052k| 280.4 |  62M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3011 |1394
>>> |2539 |  34k|1919 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     185s|  7400 |  6028 |  2071k| 279.2 |  62M| 110 |   2 |1394 |3006 |1394
>>> |2487 |  34k|1921 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     187s|  7500 |  6110 |  2080k| 276.7 |  62M| 110 |   1 |1394 |2990 |1394
>>> |2486 |  34k|1923 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     188s|  7600 |  6190 |  2094k| 274.8 |  63M| 110 |   1 |1394 |2979 |1394
>>> |2487 |  34k|1924 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     191s|  7700 |  6272 |  2125k| 275.2 |  63M| 110 |   2 |1394 |2969 |1394
>>> |2473 |  34k|1924 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     194s|  7800 |  6358 |  2147k| 274.6 |  64M| 110 |   1 |1394 |2962 |1394
>>> |2486 |  34k|1927 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     196s|  7900 |  6444 |  2169k| 273.9 |  64M| 110 |   2 |1394 |2956 |1394
>>> |2539 |  34k|1928 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     198s|  8000 |  6528 |  2192k| 273.3 |  65M| 110 |   2 |1394 |2948 |1394
>>> |2473 |  34k|1930 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     199s|  8100 |  6611 |  2196k| 270.4 |  65M| 110 |   - |1394 |2937 |   0
>>> |   0 |  34k|1931 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     202s|  8200 |  6691 |  2208k| 268.6 |  66M| 110 |   2 |1394 |2931 |1394
>>> |2473 |  34k|1931 |2563 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     205s|  8300 |  6773 |  2217k| 266.4 |  66M| 110 |   2 |1394 |2926 |1394
>>> |2487 |  34k|1931 |2566 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     206s|  8400 |  6860 |  2236k| 265.6 |  67M| 111 |   2 |1394 |2927 |1394
>>> |2488 |  34k|1933 |2568 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     209s|  8500 |  6950 |  2257k| 265.0 |  67M| 116 |   - |1394 |2924 |1394
>>> |1840 |  34k|1934 |2568 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     211s|  8600 |  7022 |  2279k| 264.4 |  67M| 118 |  24 |1394 |2976 |1394
>>> |2655 |  35k|2006 |2633 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     213s|  8700 |  7098 |  2300k| 263.8 |  68M| 118 |   0 |1394 |2989 |1394
>>> |2535 |  36k|2029 |2674 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     214s|  8800 |  7174 |  2342k| 265.5 |  68M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2981 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2040 |2679 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     216s|  8900 |  7254 |  2345k| 262.9 |  69M| 118 |   1 |1394 |2987 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2049 |2680 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     219s|  9000 |  7330 |  2352k| 260.7 |  70M| 118 |   1 |1394 |2986 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2054 |2683 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     221s|  9100 |  7408 |  2372k| 260.1 |  70M| 118 |   - |1394 |2968 |1394
>>> |1891 |  36k|2054 |2686 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     223s|  9200 |  7486 |  2393k| 259.6 |  71M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2965 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2058 |2690 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     226s|  9300 |  7565 |  2418k| 259.4 |  71M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2959 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2059 |2693 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     227s|  9400 |  7643 |  2438k| 258.8 |  72M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2946 |1394
>>> |2505 |  36k|2061 |2696 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     231s|  9500 |  7723 |  2462k| 258.6 |  72M| 118 |   - |1394 |2940 |1394
>>> |1840 |  36k|2065 |2699 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     233s|  9600 |  7801 |  2466k| 256.4 |  73M| 118 |   - |1394 |2930 |   0
>>> |   0 |  36k|2067 |2703 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     234s|  9700 |  7879 |  2495k| 256.7 |  73M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2905 |1394
>>> |2505 |  37k|2070 |2706 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>    time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n| mem |mdpt |frac |vars |cons |cols
>>> |rows |cuts |confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap
>>>     236s|  9800 |  7975 |  2522k| 256.8 |  74M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2885 |1394
>>> |2673 |  37k|2077 |2716 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     238s|  9900 |  8059 |  2524k| 254.4 |  74M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2876 |1394
>>> |2673 |  37k|2079 |2716 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>>     239s| 10000 |  8136 |  2527k| 252.2 |  75M| 118 |   2 |1394 |2875 |1394
>>> |2673 |  37k|2080 |2716 |7.603324e+000 |8.086205e+000 |   6.35
>>> SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [node limit reached]
>>> Solving Time (sec) : 239.07
>>> Solving Nodes      : 10000
>>> Primal Bound       : +8.08620534391534e+000 (2 solutions)
>>> Dual Bound         : +7.60332402116402e+000
>>> Gap                : 6.35
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