[SCIP] VRP Example

Nicola Gastaldon nicola.gastaldon at studenti.unipd.it
Wed Feb 8 12:40:57 CET 2017

Dear SCIP,
                first of all, congratulations for your wonderful suite. At
the moment I am trying to code my own application to solve a VRP problem;
clearly I have read your VRP example that comes with the suite, and it is
very useful, but a student from my University told me that I should have
found some more, like some source code (maybe with just commented a TODO
for each implementation needed) of a branchRule plug-in and a
constraintHandler plug-in; unluckily I could not find them anywhere, could
you please tell me how I can obtain such files, if still available?
Thank you in advance,
best regards,
Nicola Gastaldon
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