[SCIP] scip_check only for integral solutions

Michael Kahr m.kahr at univie.ac.at
Thu Sep 28 13:23:40 CEST 2017


I am implementing a branch-and-cut model using C++ with SCIP 4.0.0. 
Thereby, I use an object-constrainthandler in order to dynamically add 
cutting planes (in particular cycle-elimination constraints). According 
to the documentation the routine "scip_check" should only be called if 
an integral solution was found if the "checkpriority" parameter of the 
ObjConshdlr is set to a negative value. However, this is not true in my 
case. I have set checkpriority to -1 but the "scip_check" routine is 
also called for fractional solutions. (all decision variables are of 

- How can I control scip_check to be only called for integral solutions?

- Is there a SCIP status code, which indicates that a found solution is 
integral such that I can verify integrality without iterating over all 

Thank you in advance. Best regards,


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