[SCIP] Integrating functions from other source codes

Gregor Hendel hendel at zib.de
Tue Apr 17 18:06:45 CEST 2018

Dear Andre,

I answered your question on Stack Overflow 
If you have follow-up questions, please post them /either/ to this 
mailing list (~300 watchers) /or/ to Stack Overflow, but not both. All 
people involved in the project are notified about Stack Overflow 
questions, anyway.

Good luck with your implementation,

Am 16.04.2018 um 17:55 schrieb André Filipe Lanca Serrano:
> Dear all,
> I'm a master student in TUHH and I'm currently using SCIP for my 
> thesis. The main implementation task of my thesis is to integrate a 
> meta-heuristic already coded in C++ and ready to be used in the SCIP 
> branch-and-bound process to enhance the solution process of my 
> problem. My question is:
> How can I call the functions from the meta-heuristic files?
> I'm not sure if this information can be useful but I'm using Matlab to 
> load my data and then to compile and run SCIP in Visual Studio using 
> MEX functions. I have already set all the necessary headers in SCIP 
> and Matlab.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> André
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