[SCIP] Sometimes memory/savefac is ignored when memory limit is set

Vladimir V. Voloshinov vladimir.voloshinov at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 23:36:39 CEST 2018

I see, that sometimes (because of unexplained reason and without any
warnings) SCIPAMPL (SCIP 5.0.1) doesn't switch to "memory saving mode" when
"limits/memory" parameter is set.
For example, in stdout we see:
non-default parameter settings:
display/freq = 1000
limits/memory = 12000
limits/gap = 1e-06
2499s|  2999k|  1150k| 50245k|  16.8 |  12G|  63 |   0 |  27 |  83 |  27 |
368 |  26M|   0 |   0 | 3.099571e-01 | 4.095979e-01 |  32.15%
2500s|  3000k|  1150k| 50258k|  16.8 |  12G|  63 |   - |  27 |  83 |  27 |
321 |  26M|   0 |   0 | 3.099597e-01 | 4.095979e-01 |  32.15%

SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [memory limit reached]
Solving Time (sec) : 2500.20
Solving Nodes      : 3000348
Primal Bound       : +4.09597917564847e-01 (3 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +3.09963699587617e-01
Gap                : 32.14 %

Why memory limit did not cause switching to memory saving mode?

When solving the other variant of NL-file I see in the log proper warning:
6276s|330000 |327947 |218407k| 661.8 |  12G|  50 |   0 |  80 |  99 |  80
|1696 |  67M|   0 |   0 | 1.099673e+01 | 1.493850e+01 |  35.84%
(node 330388) switching to memory saving mode (mem: 9600.0M/12000.0M)
 6288s|331000 |328347 |218788k| 661.0 |  12G|  67 |   0 |  80 |  99 |  80
|2543 |  67M|   0 |   0 | 1.099750e+01 | 1.493850e+01 |  35.84%--

Vladimir V. Voloshinov,
Ph.D, head of lab. C-3 "Distributed computing algorithms",
Center of Distributed Computing, http://distcomp.ru, Institute for
Information Transmission Problems RAS, http://www.iitp.ru
web: http://distcomp.ru/drupal/ru/staff/vladimirv
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