[SCIP] ParaSCIP library: need simple tutorial on how to launch the solver

Abdelkader Ouali oualiaek at hotmail.fr
Tue Jun 19 11:26:30 CEST 2018

Dear Scip community,

I'm currently using scip 5.0.1 to solve BLP/ILP models.

I have some remarks when compiling the current version and i'm looking

for a tutorial on how to use ParaSCIP as a library.

# Remarks

I followed the cmake instructions to compile the SCIP suite optimization tool.

Since i'm interested in the  parallel version, the generated Makefile didn't include

the configuration of UG and GCG modules.

I checked the CMakeLists.txt, and neither .../gcg/CMakeLists.txt or .../ug/ CMakeLists.txt


So i compiled the whole thing using the provided Makefile in the root folder which worked


# Questions

Is there a way to include the UG module in one single library when making scipoptlib?

I'm look for a tutorial on how to use ParaSCIP as library (C++ code), if there is anyone who can give me

a push on this part?

Thanks and best regards


A. Ouali
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