[SCIP] How to deactivate aging and avoid scip internal pricer ?

Sandra Ulrich Ngueveu ngueveu at laas.fr
Mon Jun 25 18:28:21 CEST 2018


We are doing a Branch-and-Price with SCIP. Using function 
"SCIPgetNPricevarsFound", we realized that a very higher number of 
variables were "priced" by scip, compared to the number of columns that 
we explicitely added (127253 instead of 475).

We would like to deactivate such internal pricing (which according to 
some forum is related to column aging) just to verify if the code would 
be faster for our specific problem. We tried setting parameter 
lp/colagelimit to -1, but the number of additional pricedvars declared 
by scip remained unchanged.

Could you please tell us if there is another parameter we could activate 
or deactivate to achieve the desired behaviour ?

Best regards,

Sandra U. Ngueveu


Maître de Conférences / Associate Professor
ngueveu at laas.fr
Equipe ROC
7 avenue du Colonel Roche
31031 Toulouse Cedex 4 - France
sandra.ngueveu at enseeiht.fr
Département GEA
2 rue Charles Camichel
31071 Toulouse - France

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