[SCIP] Finding a feasible solution

Jennifer Uebbing uebbing at mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
Mon Mar 11 16:21:35 CET 2019

Hello fellow SCIP users, 

I am facing a problem with using SCIP and hope, that someone can help me with this: 

If I plug in my model and solve it, I get the result that it is infeasible. However, if I add a constraint, which fixes a specific binary variable to one, SCIP does find a feasible solution. Why can SCIP not find this solution without this constraint? I could also make SCIP find this solution in the original problem (without fixing the variable), by enforcing branching on this binary variable first. 

Can someone explain the behavior of SCIP to me? Why does this happen? 

Best regards, 

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