[SCIP] Cover Inequalities for Knapsack

Matheus Ota matheusota at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 20:22:27 CEST 2020


If I add a knapsack inequality in my model (\sum w_i x_i <= B), does SCIP
automatically adds cover inequalities to strengthen my model? Or should I
add then manually?

I saw here (https://scip.zib.de/doc/html/cons__knapsack_8c.php) that SCIP
have functions for Cover inequalities, but should I manually call these or
are they automatically called? I ask this because I believe than in Gurobi
the solver automatically adds cover inequalities for the knapsack-like
constraints. Also, is there some "easy to follow" documentation on the
inequalities already built-in in SCIP? I want to avoid "reinventing the
wheel" the maximum I can.

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