[SCIP] Upgrading of linear constraints to a "special" constraint handler?

Franzen, Christian franzen at or.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Aug 11 21:20:20 CEST 2020

Hi SCIP-Team.

When solving a MIP using SCIP's console and just reading from an LP file, I see in the statistics that constraints are automatically detected to be of some special type like SetPPC or Knapsack. However, when using the C-API to create my problem and adding constraints via SCIPcreateConsLinear() these constraints will not be automatically upgraded to SetPPC or Knapsack constraints. Is this by intention or do I miss something?

Would it be beneficial within a branch-and-price-and-cut solver to use the type specific create methods like SCIPcreateConsKnapsack() or SCIPcreateConsSetcover()? My understanding is that the type specific constraint handlers offer separation of cuts, but that is something that can not be used within in a branch-and-price method. Are there any other benefits of the more specific constraints compared to the general linear constraints?


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