[SCIP] Warning about unreleased variables?

Ambros Gleixner gleixner at zib.de
Mon Dec 7 22:04:21 CET 2020

Dear Christian,

One suspicion:  Are you using SCIPtransformVar()?  This adds a capture 
even if the transformed variable already exists.  In this case, you 
could use SCIPgetTransformVar() instead.

Otherwise, I don't think any of the branching related methods capture 
variables automatically.

Does that help?


Am 02.12.20 um 11:05 schrieb Franzen, Christian:
> Dear SCIP Team.
> Currently I am implementing a branching rule within my 
> branch-and-price-and-cut solver. That seems to work correctly so far. 
> However, whenever I am done with solving and call SCIPfree() to cleanup 
> all resources I see the following warning in the logs
> WARNING: Transformed variable <PathFlow_agg4191_path25> not released 
> when freeing SCIP.
> Better to say, I see thousands of them. These seems to be related to my 
> branching rule, since I do not see the warnings when solving only the 
> root node. So it seems to be not related to my Pricer or Separators. I 
> couldn't find anything in the documentation, but is there a chance that 
> one of the methods for finding branching candidates is capturing the 
> corrsponding variables (e.g., SCIPgetLPBranchCands)? I do not capture 
> them on my one and I am quite sure I am releasing all 
> (original) variables after creation. Any ideas what I missed here?
> Regards
> Christian
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