[SCIP] Does row aging depend on cut efficiacy?

Franzen, Christian franzen at or.rwth-aachen.de
Sat Nov 21 11:29:42 CET 2020

Dear SCIP team.

Currently I am doing some experiments with row aging in a branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm. I am wondering if row aging is related to the efficiacy of a cut. My question is, when exactly row aging starts for a constraint a^T x <= b? So far I see two options (for current LP solution x*):

1) It starts when a^T x* - b < 0, so the cut has become obsolete

2) It starts when (a^T x* - b) / ||a|| < min efficiacy, so the cuts efficiacy has become to low

Is any of that options right? Can you please shed some light on that feature implementation within SCIP. Maybe there is some documentation? Unfortunately, I could not find any.


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