[SCIP] scipampl compilation on windows

Oreste Fecarotta oreste.fecarotta at unina.it
Thu Sep 10 13:06:54 CEST 2020

I am desperately trying to compile scip for AMPL on Windows. I have 
tried with Cygwin, Mingw and Visual Studio, but none of the attempts 
worked for me.

Could you please send me more instructions? I wolud need a detailed 
procedure with all the libraries I must install before...

Actually, I am afraid I am not the right person to do it and, if 
possible, I would need the binary of scipample.exe linket to CPLEX and 
IPOPT. Is there any place where I can get it?

Thank you very much,

Oreste Fecarotta
PhD in Hydraulic Engineering
Assistant Professor in Hydraulic Engineering
University of Naples "Federico II"
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli (ITALY)
web: www.dicea.unina.it
tel: +39-081-7683462
fax: +39-081-1683456

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