[SCIP] scipampl compilation on windows

Stefan Vigerske svigerske at gams.com
Thu Sep 10 14:24:16 CEST 2020


there is a binary with IPOPT and SoPlex available at
Usually, using SoPlex is almost as good (and sometimes better) as using 
CPLEX as LP solver.

This has been build under MSys, but, indeed, it is not so 
straightforward and may require editing makefiles here and there. If you 
need to stick with Windows and build your own executable, you may be 
better off using the Linux subsystem (WSL), though you will not get 
native Windows executables then.


On 9/10/20 1:06 PM, Oreste Fecarotta wrote:
> Hi,
> I am desperately trying to compile scip for AMPL on Windows. I have 
> tried with Cygwin, Mingw and Visual Studio, but none of the attempts 
> worked for me.
> Could you please send me more instructions? I wolud need a detailed 
> procedure with all the libraries I must install before...
> Actually, I am afraid I am not the right person to do it and, if 
> possible, I would need the binary of scipample.exe linket to CPLEX and 
> IPOPT. Is there any place where I can get it?
> Thank you very much,

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