[SCIP] Request for SCIP MEX files fit to MATLAB

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Aug 17 11:33:19 CEST 2021

Dear Xie Yue,

the OPTI toolbox is unfortunately not maintained anymore. I think old 
mex-files can be found on the corresponding web page.

We are planning to release a MATLAB interface based on the OPTI toolbox 
in the near future, probably September. We will announce this through 
this list.



On 17/08/2021 04:39, 越 谢 wrote:
> Dear scipers,
>       I want to use SCIP via MATLAB, because it’s quite hard to decribe 
> my model using Pyscipopt via Python. In MATLAB, I can do it using OPTI 
> TOOLBOX. But I need a SCIP MEX file for the OPTI toolbox, or I will 
> receive a warning like “OPTI cannot find a valid version of scip”. I’d 
> appreciate any help!
> Thanks,
> Xie Yue
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