[SCIP] Disable warning output

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Feb 3 15:03:26 CET 2022

On 02/02/2022 23:50, Vander Hook, Joshua (US 397K) wrote:
> As mentioned in this Question: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70906096/how-can-i-disable-warning-output-in-scip

The page now contains some hints that might be helpful, if you have not 
seen them.

> I receive many warning messages on program conclusion, similar to 
> “WARNING: Original variable <x> not released when freeing SCIP problem 
> <my_solver>.”

Note that this is just a warning to avoid unintended behavior.

> I’m not able to convince myself that I do have a memory leak / unfree’d 
> variable. I have a release for every variable, and valgrind shows no 
> leaked memory. (Though I wonder if the warning means it was cleaned up 
> despite some other problem).

Note that some variables are automatically captured and you have to 
release the corresponding variables.

And just to be sure: The capture/release mechanism can be used to 
automatically free variables after their last usage is over, i.e., it 
has "been released". At the end of the SCIP run, all variables and 
memory are freed in any case, which is why you do not see leaked memory.

> Is it possible that this is a spurious warning? If so, how can I disable 
> those warnings?

I guess there are three ways:

- Try to track down the releases of the variables and fix them.
- Remove the warning message from the source code of SCIP and recompile.
- Ignore the warnings.



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