[SCIP] Setting relative gap in FiberSCIP and ParaSCIP

Vladimir V. Voloshinov vladimir.voloshinov at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 20:51:34 CEST 2023

Dear Yuji,
I tried the option "-sl gap.set" you wrote about. It works and I see a
non-zero gap in fscip log!

BUT, there is the next very unpleasant problem: parallel, multithreaded,
fscip *runs much slower than one-thread scip* !!??
And, if I remember correctly, I saw the same effect for FiberSCIP of older
versions too....
For example, on my Dell comp, CPU i5-8250U 3.40GHz, 32Gb, with disabled
Hyperthreading (to have "real" 4 CPUs) I run SCIP 8.0.3 and FSCIP 8.0.3 on
the same problem [burma14
from TSPLIB95 with limits/gap=1.e-01. Here SCIP had found a solution in
~800 sec and FSCIP (run on 4 CPUs, with "-sth 4") - in ~1400 sec.

Please, can you tell me what is the possible reason for this strange

SCIP and FiberSCIP have been run by commands (on Linux)
*$ scip  -s scip.set -f tsp_burma14_1.cip -l
*$ fscip ug.set tsp_burma14_q.cip -s scip.set -sl gap.set -sth 4 -l
Just in case, I attached tsp_burma14_q.cip, scip.set, gap.set and log files
to the message.
I should say that TSP has been intentionally represented as 0-1 Quadratic
Programming problem, similar to Quadratic Assignment problem, with bilinear
objective function and linear constraints.

Best regards,

On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 9:46 AM Yuji Shinano <shinano at zib.de> wrote:

> Dear Vladimir,
> Stefan Vigerske and I tried to implement it so that it works more
> precisely.
> Probably, the code is already released in the version.
> Please try to use the command line option with "-sl gap.set", and the file
> gap.set inclueds
> "limits/gap" or "limits/absgap". Then, it would work better than the
> previous versions.
> Please let me know the results.
> @Stefan: If you can say something else, please add your comments.
> Best regards,
> Yuji
> On 24.04.23 1:06, Vladimir V. Voloshinov wrote:
> Dear Yuji,
> excuse for bothering you, but I see that SCIP Opt. Suite 8.0.3  includes
> UG 1.0 already.
> I see that the parameter CheckGapInLC, which we tried to use, has been
> excluded from the list of UG options, so it seems that some changes with
> "gap management" happened...
> But I see that the gap set in the scip.set file does not affect FiberSCIP
> which still solves problem till zero gap.
> Moreover, I see in ug/src/ug_scip/scipParaSolver.cpp, lines #1259,#1260,
> that "limits/gap" and "limits/absgap" are "hardcoded" to be 0...
> Maybe we missed something, but is it possible to set a non zero gap for
> FiberSCIP (and ParaSCIP) now, since version 8.0.3? It is very important in
> some circumstances...
> Best regards,
> Vladimir
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 5:36 PM Yuji Shinano <shinano at zib.de> wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> On 12.09.22 16:17, Sergey Smirnov wrote:
>> > Thank you for checking my instance.
>> >
>> > We also tried setting CheckGapInLC=TRUE but it did not help either.
>> Thanks for testing it, too. Probably, I tried to implement it once,
>> but I had some issues realizing it. Before UG version 1.0,
>> UG was a bit hard to specialize for a specific "base solver"
>> parallelization.
>> In current UG version 1.0, it is easy to implement some features
>> specialized to a specific "base solver".
>> I will let you know when I add the feature to FiberSCIP and ParaSCIP.
>> Best,
>> Yuji
>> >
>> >> On 11 Sep 2022, at 17:42, Yuji Shinano <shinano at zib.de> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Sergey,
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for the instance and configuration. I checked it.
>> >> Sorry, in the current implementation of FiberSCIP and ParaSCIP,
>> controlling it only with the SCIP parameter looks difficult when it takes
>> time to solve
>> >> (if it can be solved in the racing stage, the "NoPreprocessingInLC =
>> TRUE" might work).
>> >> And it looks like the setting SCIP parameters for that is not good for
>> FiberSCIP and ParaSCIP in a sense how it work is not clear.
>> >> I will add the feature rather UG side in the future. I think it can
>> not control vividly, but when LC recognized that gap is reached,
>> >> then LC interrupts all computations from the UG side.
>> >>
>> >> Best regards,
>> >> Yuji
>> >>
>> >> --------------
>> >> Hi Yuji,
>> >>
>> >> Here are the instance and configuration files attached.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you in advance,
>> >> Best regards,
>> >> Sergey
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > On 10 Sep 2022, at 08:55, Yuji Shinano <shinano at zib.de> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > Hi Sergey,
>> >> >
>> >> > Can you send me the instance and parameters (UG and SCIP)? I will
>> check it.
>> >> >
>> >> > Best regards,
>> >> > Yuji
>> >> >
>> >> > On 10.09.22 6:50, Sergey Smirnov wrote:
>> >> >> Hi Yuji,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Thank you for the suggestion. I tried to set NoPreprocessingInLC =
>> TRUE in ug.set but both fscip and parascip still solved till zero gap.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Best regards,
>> >> >> Sergey
>> >> >>
>> >> >>> On 9 Sep 2022, at 21:20, Yuji Shinano <shinano at zib.de> wrote:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Hi,
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> This is one of the frequently asked questions. FiberSCIP/ParaSCIP
>> solves the presolved instance in the Solvers.
>> >> >>> Therefore, the value is applied to solve the presolved instance.
>> If you would like to control the gap more precisely,
>> >> >>> one way would be to set
>> >> >>>  NoPreprocessingInLC = TRUE
>> >> >>> In the UG parameter file.
>> >> >>> However, this means that layered presolving does not work and may
>> decrease its performance.
>> >> >>> Please try to run with the above parameter.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Best,
>> >> >>> Yuji
>> >> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 09.09.22 19:45, Sergey Smirnov wrote:
>> >>> Hello, SCIP community,
>> >>>
>> >>> I have problems setting relative gap in parallel version of SCIP
>> 8.0.1.
>> >>>
>> >>> When I set limits/gap = .5e-01 in scip.set and run scip like scip -f
>> problem.cip -s scip.set  scip stops after reaching the gap specified.
>> However, fscip and parascip seem to ignore this parameter. For example, I
>> run fscip the following way and it solves until optimality:
>> >>> fscip ug.set problem.cip -s scip.set
>> >>>
>> >>> What is the correct way to set relative gap in fscip/parascip?
>> >>>
>> >>> Thank you in advance,
>> >>> Best regards,
>> >>> Sergey
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> _______________________________________________
>> >>> Scip mailing list
>> >>> Scip at zib.de
>> >>> https://listserv.zib.de/mailman/listinfo/scip
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> --------------------------------------------------
>> >> Yuji Shinano
>> >> Zuse Institute Berlin
>> >> Takustrasse 7, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany
>> >> Phone:+49 30 84185-477, Fax:+49 30 84185-269
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> Scip mailing list
>> >> Scip at zib.de
>> >> https://listserv.zib.de/mailman/listinfo/scip
>> >
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> Yuji Shinano
>> Zuse Institute Berlin
>> Takustrasse 7, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany
>> Phone:+49 30 84185-477, Fax:+49 30 84185-269
>> _______________________________________________
>> Scip mailing list
>> Scip at zib.de
>> https://listserv.zib.de/mailman/listinfo/scip
> --
> Vladimir V. Voloshinov,
> Ph.D, head of lab. C-3 "Distributed computing algorithms",
> http://www.iitp.ru/ru/researchlabs/1040.htm,
> Center for Distributed Computing, Institute for Information Transmission
> Problems RAS, http://www.iitp.ru
> web: GoogleScholar profile
> <https://scholar.google.ru/citations?hl=en&user=-m4QhNEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate>
> --
> --------------------------------------------------
> Yuji Shinano
> Zuse Institute Berlin
> Takustrasse 7, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany
> Phone:+49 30 84185-477, Fax:+49 30 84185-269
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SCIP version 8.0.3 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] [LP solver: Soplex 6.0.3] [GitHash: 62fab8a2e3]
Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)

External libraries: 
  Readline 8.0         GNU library for command line editing (gnu.org/s/readline)
  Soplex 6.0.3         Linear Programming Solver developed at Zuse Institute Berlin (soplex.zib.de) [GitHash: f900e3d0]
  CppAD 20180000.0     Algorithmic Differentiation of C++ algorithms developed by B. Bell (github.com/coin-or/CppAD)
  ZLIB 1.2.11          General purpose compression library by J. Gailly and M. Adler (zlib.net)
  GMP 6.2.0            GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library developed by T. Granlund (gmplib.org)
  ZIMPL 3.5.3          Zuse Institute Mathematical Programming Language developed by T. Koch (zimpl.zib.de)
  AMPL/MP 4e2d45c4     AMPL .nl file reader library (github.com/ampl/mp)
  PaPILO 2.1.2         parallel presolve for integer and linear optimization (github.com/scipopt/papilo) [GitHash: 2fe2543]
  bliss 0.77           Computing Graph Automorphism Groups by T. Junttila and P. Kaski (www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/)
  Ipopt 3.14.12        Interior Point Optimizer developed by A. Waechter et.al. (github.com/coin-or/Ipopt)

reading user parameter file <scip.set>

read problem <tsp_burma14_q.cip>

original problem has 196 variables (195 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 1 cont) and 29 constraints

solve problem

presolving (16 rounds: 16 fast, 9 medium, 9 exhaustive):
 165 deleted vars, 55 deleted constraints, 1873 added constraints, 27 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 0 changed sides, 0 changed coefficients
 0 implications, 449 cliques
presolved problem has 1903 variables (163 bin, 0 int, 1740 impl, 0 cont) and 1767 constraints

 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
p 2.0s|     1 |     0 |     0 |     - |  clique|   0 |1903 |1767 |3506 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 0.000000e+00 | 5.721000e+03 |    Inf | unknown
p 2.0s|     1 |     0 |     0 |     - |   locks|   0 |1903 |1767 |3506 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 0.000000e+00 | 4.964000e+03 |    Inf | unknown
r 3.7s|     1 |     0 |   374 |     - |shifting|   0 |1903 |1774 |3538 |  32 |  9 |   7 |   0 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.685000e+03 |2000.90%| unknown
  4.2s|     1 |     2 |  1120 |     - |    57M |   0 |1903 |1779 |3540 |  41 | 12 |  12 |  22 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.685000e+03 |2000.90%| unknown
* 4.9s|     8 |     7 |  1380 | 137.7 |strongbr|   7 |1903 |1784 |3507 |  41 |  4 |  17 | 143 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.560000e+03 |1944.84%| unknown
* 4.9s|     8 |     7 |  1380 | 137.7 |strongbr|   7 |1903 |1786 |3507 |  41 |  4 |  19 | 145 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.497000e+03 |1916.59%| unknown
* 4.9s|    10 |     7 |  1404 | 109.8 |strongbr|   8 |1903 |1789 |3507 |  41 |  2 |  22 | 148 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.456000e+03 |1898.21%|   0.59%
* 5.0s|    12 |     7 |  1441 |  93.2 |    LP  |   9 |1903 |1828 |3507 |  41 |  8 |  61 | 171 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.451000e+03 |1895.96%|   1.43%
* 5.3s|    14 |     7 |  1503 |  83.6 |strongbr|  10 |1903 |1827 |3515 |  49 |  6 |  70 | 194 | 2.230000e+02 | 4.393000e+03 |1869.96%|   2.34%
* 7.7s|    61 |    34 |  2958 |  42.4 |strongbr|  14 |1903 |1991 |3510 |  97 |  1 | 234 | 490 | 2.305833e+02 | 4.347000e+03 |1785.22%|   4.14%
* 7.7s|    61 |    34 |  2958 |  42.4 |strongbr|  14 |1903 |1989 |3510 |  97 |  1 | 234 | 491 | 2.305833e+02 | 4.317000e+03 |1772.21%|   4.14%
* 9.3s|   106 |    54 |  4500 |  38.9 |    LP  |  17 |1903 |2068 |3510 | 138 |  2 | 441 | 673 | 2.305833e+02 | 3.771000e+03 |1535.42%|   4.25%
 16.4s|  1000 |   496 | 33151 |  32.8 |    87M |  36 |1903 |3012 |3511 | 289 |  1 |1428 | 967 | 6.576250e+02 | 3.771000e+03 | 473.43%|   5.02%
(run 1, node 1086) performing user restart

presolving (3 rounds: 3 fast, 2 medium, 2 exhaustive):
 0 deleted vars, 33 deleted constraints, 0 added constraints, 0 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 0 changed sides, 8 changed coefficients
 0 implications, 449 cliques
presolved problem has 1903 variables (163 bin, 0 int, 1740 impl, 0 cont) and 2988 constraints

 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
 19.1s|     1 |     2 | 38437 |     - |    95M |   0 |1903 |2999 |3554 |  46 | 11 |1476 | 972 | 6.576250e+02 | 3.771000e+03 | 473.43%| unknown
 37.5s|  1000 |   835 | 88729 |  42.2 |   116M |  44 |1903 |3007 |3523 | 704 |  0 |2347 |1623 | 7.454444e+02 | 3.771000e+03 | 405.87%|   1.29%
 48.0s|  2000 |  1545 |129118 |  41.6 |   133M |  44 |1903 |3189 |3530 |1097 |  2 |3348 |1651 | 9.137176e+02 | 3.771000e+03 | 312.71%|   3.94%
d54.8s|  2580 |  1892 |150457 |  40.9 |distribu|  45 |1903 |3176 |3526 |   0 |  1 |3871 |1655 | 9.765000e+02 | 3.704000e+03 | 279.31%|   4.74%
L56.2s|  2781 |  1940 |156961 |  40.4 |    rins|  45 |1903 |3124 |3517 |1399 |  1 |4066 |1657 | 1.026944e+03 | 3.597000e+03 | 250.26%|   5.11%
 59.3s|  3000 |  2063 |164901 |  40.2 |   148M |  45 |1903 |2997 |3531 |1500 |  2 |4222 |1660 | 1.041000e+03 | 3.597000e+03 | 245.53%|   6.94%
d65.1s|  3613 |  2302 |185026 |  39.2 |guideddi|  46 |1903 |2824 |3540 |   0 |  2 |4916 |1670 | 1.093571e+03 | 3.511000e+03 | 221.06%|   8.06%
 67.9s|  4000 |  2464 |196971 |  38.6 |   159M |  46 |1903 |2642 |3533 |1813 |  2 |5179 |1671 | 1.128000e+03 | 3.511000e+03 | 211.26%|   8.27%
 79.0s|  5000 |  2883 |229197 |  37.6 |   172M |  46 |1903 |2783 |3525 |2325 |  2 |6341 |1681 | 1.157500e+03 | 3.511000e+03 | 203.33%|   8.84%
 87.6s|  6000 |  3243 |257351 |  36.2 |   180M |  46 |1903 |2681 |3532 |2665 |  0 |7226 |1686 | 1.251000e+03 | 3.511000e+03 | 180.66%|   9.44%
d95.5s|  6991 |  3472 |285751 |  35.3 |pscostdi|  47 |1903 |2806 |3528 |   0 |  2 |8094 |1695 | 1.309357e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 162.65%|  10.10%
 95.5s|  7000 |  3477 |285977 |  35.3 |   191M |  47 |1903 |2793 |3523 |2957 |  1 |8094 |1695 | 1.309357e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 162.65%|  10.10%
  105s|  8000 |  3748 |314220 |  34.5 |   195M |  47 |1903 |2673 |3529 |3276 |  1 |8737 |1695 | 1.373850e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 150.32%|  11.21%
  114s|  9000 |  4050 |341169 |  33.8 |   208M |  47 |1903 |2769 |3519 |3583 |  0 |9591 |1698 | 1.399500e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 145.73%|  12.03%
  123s| 10000 |  4339 |368570 |  33.2 |   223M |  47 |1903 |2913 |3528 |3917 |  2 |  10k|1755 | 1.459833e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 135.57%|  12.57%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  133s| 11000 |  4576 |395642 |  32.7 |   233M |  47 |1903 |2914 |3534 |4412 |  1 |  11k|1764 | 1.509500e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 127.82%|  14.08%
  145s| 12000 |  4832 |423637 |  32.3 |   241M |  47 |1903 |2926 |3539 |4921 |  2 |  12k|1833 | 1.536333e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 123.84%|  16.86%
  153s| 13000 |  5067 |450224 |  31.9 |   252M |  48 |1903 |3039 |3533 |5286 |  2 |  13k|1859 | 1.569409e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 119.13%|  17.47%
  163s| 14000 |  5307 |477389 |  31.6 |   258M |  48 |1903 |3157 |3528 |5742 |  2 |  14k|1942 | 1.599750e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 114.97%|  18.12%
  170s| 15000 |  5516 |503818 |  31.3 |   263M |  48 |1903 |3003 |3537 |6102 |  3 |  14k|1984 | 1.631250e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 110.82%|  18.76%
  180s| 16000 |  5696 |529897 |  31.0 |   279M |  48 |1903 |3188 |3520 |6537 |  2 |  15k|2067 | 1.651500e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 108.23%|  19.38%
  190s| 17000 |  5894 |556026 |  30.7 |   283M |  49 |1903 |3137 |3532 |7021 |  1 |  16k|2093 | 1.683333e+03 | 3.439000e+03 | 104.30%|  20.23%
  198s| 18000 |  6077 |579808 |  30.3 |   287M |  49 |1903 |3095 |3537 |7339 |  0 |  17k|2143 | 1.735200e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  98.19%|  21.40%
  205s| 19000 |  6237 |602968 |  30.0 |   289M |  51 |1903 |3274 |3519 |7574 |  1 |  17k|2196 | 1.741610e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  97.46%|  21.78%
  211s| 20000 |  6362 |625677 |  29.6 |   297M |  51 |1903 |3378 |3525 |7831 |  2 |  18k|2214 | 1.773045e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  93.96%|  22.33%
  219s| 21000 |  6490 |647967 |  29.3 |   300M |  51 |1903 |3521 |3527 |8174 |  3 |  19k|2288 | 1.787920e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  92.35%|  23.06%
  228s| 22000 |  6605 |669798 |  29.0 |   312M |  52 |1903 |3550 |3531 |8563 |  2 |  20k|2299 | 1.795773e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  91.51%|  23.60%
  236s| 23000 |  6714 |691864 |  28.7 |   316M |  53 |1903 |3712 |3536 |8846 |  1 |  21k|2348 | 1.806952e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  90.32%|  24.08%
  245s| 24000 |  6832 |712825 |  28.4 |   321M |  53 |1903 |3748 |3534 |9263 |  1 |  22k|2393 | 1.818044e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  89.16%|  24.95%
  253s| 25000 |  6961 |734041 |  28.1 |   332M |  53 |1903 |3715 |3531 |9608 |  1 |  23k|2432 | 1.825929e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  88.34%|  25.47%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  261s| 26000 |  7079 |755358 |  27.9 |   335M |  53 |1903 |3767 |3534 |9923 |  5 |  23k|2489 | 1.849333e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  85.96%|  25.90%
  268s| 27000 |  7198 |775537 |  27.6 |   350M |  53 |1903 |3955 |3524 |  10k|  1 |  24k|2528 | 1.868929e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  84.01%|  26.30%
  279s| 28000 |  7333 |798041 |  27.4 |   353M |  53 |1903 |3864 |3529 |  10k|  2 |  25k|2547 | 1.879095e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  83.01%|  26.83%
  287s| 29000 |  7452 |819529 |  27.2 |   357M |  53 |1903 |4093 |3534 |  11k|  1 |  26k|2576 | 1.888250e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  82.13%|  27.26%
  295s| 30000 |  7579 |841638 |  27.1 |   360M |  53 |1903 |4167 |3528 |  11k|  1 |  27k|2627 | 1.907750e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  80.26%|  27.82%
  304s| 31000 |  7684 |863481 |  26.9 |   370M |  55 |1903 |4210 |3523 |  11k|  2 |  28k|2645 | 1.923250e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  78.81%|  28.31%
  312s| 32000 |  7809 |884094 |  26.7 |   373M |  55 |1903 |4316 |3526 |  12k|  1 |  29k|2692 | 1.928250e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  78.35%|  30.55%
  319s| 33000 |  7902 |904389 |  26.5 |   389M |  58 |1903 |4331 |3531 |  12k|  1 |  30k|2739 | 1.944867e+03 | 3.439000e+03 |  76.82%|  31.06%
* 324s| 33334 |  7472 |911510 |  26.5 |    LP  |  58 |1903 |4311 |3537 |  12k|  2 |  30k|2749 | 1.949333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  70.47%|  31.75%
  329s| 34000 |  7510 |926601 |  26.4 |   392M |  58 |1903 |4348 |3537 |  12k|  1 |  30k|2753 | 1.954167e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  70.05%|  32.19%
  337s| 35000 |  7567 |947310 |  26.2 |   394M |  58 |1903 |4573 |3536 |  13k|  2 |  31k|2797 | 1.963250e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  69.26%|  32.67%
  346s| 36000 |  7619 |968827 |  26.1 |   395M |  58 |1903 |4533 |3523 |  13k|  2 |  32k|2834 | 1.986000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  67.32%|  33.74%
  354s| 37000 |  7680 |989530 |  26.0 |   397M |  58 |1903 |4405 |3520 |  13k|  1 |  33k|2875 | 1.995143e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  66.55%|  34.73%
  362s| 38000 |  7739 |  1011k|  25.9 |   405M |  58 |1903 |4696 |3529 |  14k|  1 |  34k|2917 | 2.003778e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  65.84%|  35.11%
  369s| 39000 |  7783 |  1032k|  25.7 |   407M |  58 |1903 |4563 |3520 |  14k|  2 |  35k|2953 | 2.014500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  64.95%|  35.63%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  379s| 40000 |  7828 |  1054k|  25.7 |   411M |  58 |1903 |4660 |3524 |  14k|  3 |  36k|2993 | 2.031500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  63.57%|  36.23%
  386s| 41000 |  7874 |  1074k|  25.5 |   413M |  58 |1903 |4589 |3521 |  15k|  2 |  37k|3012 | 2.048375e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  62.23%|  36.89%
  395s| 42000 |  7915 |  1095k|  25.4 |   415M |  58 |1903 |4602 |3532 |  15k|  2 |  38k|3054 | 2.054200e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  61.77%|  37.75%
  401s| 43000 |  7954 |  1116k|  25.3 |   433M |  58 |1903 |4622 |3527 |  15k|  1 |  38k|3082 | 2.063500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  61.04%|  39.24%
  408s| 44000 |  7994 |  1137k|  25.2 |   436M |  58 |1903 |4786 |3525 |  16k|  1 |  39k|3132 | 2.069667e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  60.56%|  40.05%
  416s| 45000 |  8024 |  1157k|  25.1 |   438M |  58 |1903 |4921 |3529 |  16k|  2 |  40k|3176 | 2.080750e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  59.70%|  40.93%
  423s| 46000 |  8066 |  1177k|  25.0 |   440M |  60 |1903 |4804 |3524 |  16k|  1 |  41k|3198 | 2.089714e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  59.02%|  41.41%
  431s| 47000 |  8089 |  1197k|  24.9 |   443M |  60 |1903 |4907 |3536 |  17k|  1 |  42k|3219 | 2.102708e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  58.03%|  41.93%
  440s| 48000 |  8098 |  1218k|  24.8 |   445M |  60 |1903 |5136 |3532 |  17k|  2 |  43k|3239 | 2.110100e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  57.48%|  42.97%
  448s| 49000 |  8113 |  1239k|  24.7 |   458M |  61 |1903 |5155 |3525 |  17k|  2 |  43k|3282 | 2.124500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  56.41%|  44.16%
  455s| 50000 |  8105 |  1258k|  24.6 |   459M |  61 |1903 |5186 |3532 |  18k|  0 |  44k|3299 | 2.134444e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  55.68%|  44.99%
  463s| 51000 |  8087 |  1278k|  24.5 |   462M |  61 |1903 |5101 |3533 |  18k|  0 |  45k|3323 | 2.145389e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  54.89%|  46.01%
  468s| 52000 |  8091 |  1296k|  24.4 |   481M |  61 |1903 |5331 |3533 |  18k|  2 |  46k|3359 | 2.154250e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  54.25%|  46.49%
  475s| 53000 |  8089 |  1316k|  24.3 |   483M |  61 |1903 |5260 |3522 |  18k|  2 |  47k|3384 | 2.165822e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  53.43%|  47.02%
  482s| 54000 |  8086 |  1335k|  24.2 |   485M |  61 |1903 |5258 |3526 |  19k|  2 |  48k|3407 | 2.176286e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  52.69%|  47.72%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  488s| 55000 |  8061 |  1353k|  24.1 |   486M |  61 |1903 |5331 |3527 |  19k|  1 |  49k|3429 | 2.192083e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  51.59%|  48.32%
  496s| 56000 |  8039 |  1373k|  24.0 |   487M |  61 |1903 |5515 |   0 |  20k|  0 |  50k|3463 | 2.203511e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  50.80%|  49.26%
  505s| 57000 |  8021 |  1392k|  24.0 |   488M |  61 |1903 |5560 |   0 |  20k|  0 |  51k|3492 | 2.220875e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  49.63%|  50.18%
  513s| 58000 |  7980 |  1411k|  23.9 |   489M |  61 |1903 |5516 |3532 |  20k|  1 |  51k|3518 | 2.236300e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  48.59%|  50.86%
  521s| 59000 |  7950 |  1432k|  23.8 |   489M |  61 |1903 |5581 |3535 |  21k|  2 |  52k|3557 | 2.250467e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  47.66%|  51.51%
  531s| 60000 |  7906 |  1451k|  23.8 |   490M |  61 |1903 |5724 |3521 |  21k|  1 |  53k|3585 | 2.257583e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  47.19%|  52.37%
  540s| 61000 |  7874 |  1471k|  23.7 |   492M |  61 |1903 |5703 |3549 |  22k|  4 |  54k|3610 | 2.271500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  46.29%|  53.09%
  546s| 62000 |  7830 |  1489k|  23.6 |   493M |  61 |1903 |5805 |3529 |  22k|  1 |  55k|3640 | 2.282000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  45.62%|  53.73%
  555s| 63000 |  7800 |  1507k|  23.5 |   504M |  61 |1903 |5859 |3542 |  22k|  2 |  56k|3661 | 2.289100e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  45.17%|  54.34%
  563s| 64000 |  7759 |  1525k|  23.4 |   504M |  61 |1903 |5890 |3521 |  23k|  0 |  57k|3693 | 2.299100e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  44.53%|  54.97%
  569s| 65000 |  7708 |  1543k|  23.3 |   505M |  61 |1903 |5999 |3533 |  23k|  2 |  58k|3728 | 2.310500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  43.82%|  55.55%
  577s| 66000 |  7657 |  1561k|  23.3 |   506M |  61 |1903 |5850 |   0 |  23k|  0 |  58k|3748 | 2.321750e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  43.12%|  56.44%
  582s| 67000 |  7601 |  1578k|  23.2 |   507M |  61 |1903 |5851 |3531 |  24k|  0 |  59k|3760 | 2.331833e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  42.51%|  57.12%
  589s| 68000 |  7536 |  1596k|  23.1 |   507M |  61 |1903 |6150 |3537 |  24k|  2 |  60k|3787 | 2.342417e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  41.86%|  57.73%
  595s| 69000 |  7482 |  1614k|  23.0 |   508M |  61 |1903 |6293 |3535 |  24k|  0 |  61k|3804 | 2.354333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  41.14%|  58.30%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  604s| 70000 |  7425 |  1631k|  22.9 |   508M |  61 |1903 |6159 |3523 |  24k|  2 |  62k|3819 | 2.365000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  40.51%|  58.97%
  611s| 71000 |  7363 |  1649k|  22.9 |   532M |  61 |1903 |6369 |3535 |  25k|  0 |  63k|3839 | 2.377000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  39.80%|  59.53%
  618s| 72000 |  7274 |  1667k|  22.8 |   533M |  61 |1903 |6329 |3534 |  25k|  2 |  64k|3857 | 2.398333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  38.55%|  60.37%
  624s| 73000 |  7204 |  1683k|  22.7 |   533M |  61 |1903 |6260 |3525 |  25k|  2 |  64k|3865 | 2.412667e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  37.73%|  61.30%
  632s| 74000 |  7119 |  1700k|  22.6 |   534M |  61 |1903 |6579 |3538 |  26k|  1 |  65k|3901 | 2.426800e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  36.93%|  61.88%
  639s| 75000 |  7035 |  1717k|  22.6 |   534M |  61 |1903 |6690 |3521 |  26k|  2 |  66k|3907 | 2.443500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  35.99%|  62.58%
  646s| 76000 |  6908 |  1733k|  22.5 |   534M |  61 |1903 |6543 |3528 |  26k|  2 |  67k|3941 | 2.458333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  35.17%|  64.02%
  653s| 77000 |  6815 |  1750k|  22.4 |   534M |  61 |1903 |6770 |3527 |  27k|  0 |  68k|3959 | 2.473455e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  34.35%|  64.66%
  661s| 78000 |  6692 |  1767k|  22.3 |   534M |  61 |1903 |6903 |3529 |  27k|  1 |  69k|3994 | 2.479375e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  34.03%|  66.06%
  668s| 79000 |  6591 |  1784k|  22.3 |   534M |  61 |1903 |7025 |3543 |  27k|  3 |  70k|4011 | 2.486500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  33.64%|  66.80%
  676s| 80000 |  6471 |  1801k|  22.2 |   534M |  61 |1903 |7189 |3530 |  28k|  0 |  71k|4024 | 2.497517e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  33.05%|  67.79%
  684s| 81000 |  6349 |  1817k|  22.1 |   534M |  61 |1903 |7104 |3534 |  28k|  2 |  72k|4047 | 2.523500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  31.68%|  68.56%
  695s| 82000 |  6204 |  1834k|  22.1 |   537M |  61 |1903 |7197 |3528 |  28k|  0 |  73k|4059 | 2.541000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  30.78%|  70.07%
  703s| 83000 |  6050 |  1851k|  22.0 |   537M |  61 |1903 |7377 |3536 |  29k|  1 |  74k|4068 | 2.558778e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  29.87%|  71.11%
  711s| 84000 |  5877 |  1867k|  21.9 |   537M |  61 |1903 |7708 |3530 |  29k|  0 |  75k|4081 | 2.576000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  29.00%|  72.00%
 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl. 
  718s| 85000 |  5690 |  1884k|  21.9 |   538M |  61 |1903 |8026 |3537 |  29k|  1 |  76k|4108 | 2.590000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  28.30%|  73.02%
  726s| 86000 |  5516 |  1899k|  21.8 |   538M |  61 |1903 |8367 |3537 |  30k|  3 |  77k|4120 | 2.605786e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  27.52%|  73.92%
  733s| 87000 |  5293 |  1915k|  21.7 |   538M |  61 |1903 |8617 |3527 |  30k|  0 |  79k|4138 | 2.622969e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  26.69%|  75.22%
  740s| 88000 |  5070 |  1931k|  21.7 |   538M |  61 |1903 |8556 |   0 |  30k|  0 |  80k|4149 | 2.648417e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  25.47%|  76.33%
  748s| 89000 |  4842 |  1946k|  21.6 |   538M |  61 |1903 |8852 |3520 |  31k|  1 |  81k|4169 | 2.662276e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  24.82%|  77.42%
  756s| 90000 |  4573 |  1961k|  21.5 |   538M |  61 |1903 |9164 |3529 |  31k|  2 |  83k|4194 | 2.689300e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  23.56%|  78.77%
  765s| 91000 |  4303 |  1976k|  21.5 |   538M |  61 |1903 |9233 |3534 |  31k|  2 |  84k|4208 | 2.703733e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  22.90%|  80.05%
  774s| 92000 |  4001 |  1992k|  21.4 |   538M |  61 |1903 |9516 |3534 |  32k|  2 |  86k|4224 | 2.731333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  21.66%|  81.48%
  784s| 93000 |  3671 |  2008k|  21.3 |   539M |  61 |1903 |9794 |3530 |  32k|  2 |  87k|4236 | 2.763500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  20.25%|  83.14%
  793s| 94000 |  3271 |  2023k|  21.3 |   539M |  61 |1903 |  10k|3535 |  33k|  2 |  89k|4247 | 2.791333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  19.05%|  84.77%
  803s| 95000 |  2779 |  2038k|  21.2 |   539M |  61 |1903 |  10k|3533 |  33k|  1 |  91k|4256 | 2.828000e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  17.50%|  86.85%
  811s| 96000 |  2201 |  2052k|  21.1 |   540M |  61 |1903 |  11k|3533 |  33k|  0 |  93k|4260 | 2.866333e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  15.93%|  90.46%
  820s| 97000 |  1451 |  2065k|  21.1 |   541M |  61 |1903 |  11k|   0 |  34k|  0 |  95k|4269 | 2.920500e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  13.78%|  93.36%
  828s| 98000 |   378 |  2075k|  20.9 |   541M |  61 |1903 |  11k|3523 |  34k|  1 |  98k|4276 | 2.991025e+03 | 3.323000e+03 |  11.10%|  97.11%

SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [gap limit reached]
Solving Time (sec) : 828.63
Solving Nodes      : 98171 (total of 99257 nodes in 2 runs)
Primal Bound       : +3.32300000000000e+03 (400 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +3.02300000000000e+03
Gap                : 9.92 %

primal solution (original space):

objective value:                                 3323
X[2,2]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[3,4]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[4,5]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[5,6]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[6,7]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[7,9]                                              1 	(obj:0)
X[8,11]                                             1 	(obj:0)
X[9,13]                                             1 	(obj:0)
X[10,14]                                            1 	(obj:0)
X[11,12]                                            1 	(obj:0)
X[12,8]                                             1 	(obj:0)
X[13,10]                                            1 	(obj:0)
X[14,3]                                             1 	(obj:0)
tspObjVar                                        3323 	(obj:1)


SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [gap limit reached]
Total Time         :     828.64
  solving          :     828.63
  presolving       :       2.10 (included in solving)
  reading          :       0.02
  copying          :       0.90 (62 #copies) (minimal 0.00, maximal 0.06, average 0.01)
Original Problem   :
  Problem name     : tsp_burma14_q
  Variables        : 196 (195 binary, 0 integer, 0 implicit integer, 1 continuous)
  Constraints      : 29 initial, 29 maximal
  Objective        : minimize, 1 non-zeros (abs.min = 1, abs.max = 1)
Presolved Problem  :
  Problem name     : t_tsp_burma14_q
  Variables        : 1903 (163 binary, 0 integer, 1740 implicit integer, 0 continuous)
  Constraints      : 2988 initial, 11779 maximal
  Objective        : minimize, 1765 non-zeros (abs.min = 19, abs.max = 1261)
  Nonzeros         : 35888 constraint, 1172 clique table
Presolvers         :   ExecTime  SetupTime  Calls  FixedVars   AggrVars   ChgTypes  ChgBounds   AddHoles    DelCons    AddCons   ChgSides   ChgCoefs
  boundshift       :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  convertinttobin  :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  domcol           :       0.00       0.00      8          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  dualagg          :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  dualcomp         :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  dualinfer        :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  dualsparsify     :       0.00       0.00      2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  gateextraction   :       0.00       0.00      2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  implics          :       0.00       0.00     11          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  inttobinary      :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  milp             :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  qpkktref         :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  redvub           :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  sparsify         :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  stuffing         :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  trivial          :       0.00       0.00     19          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  tworowbnd        :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  dualfix          :       0.00       0.00     19          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  genvbounds       :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  probing          :       1.92       0.00      7        125          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  pseudoobj        :       0.00       0.00      1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  symmetry         :       0.01       0.00      1          1          0          0          0          0          0          1          0          0
  vbounds          :       0.00       0.00      3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  knapsack         :       0.00       0.00      3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          1
  setppc           :       0.00       0.00     37          0          0          0          0          0         52          0          0          0
  and              :       0.03       0.00     25         12          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  linear           :       0.00       0.00      7         26          1          0         26          0          3          0          0          0
  orbitope         :       0.00       0.00      8          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  logicor          :       0.05       0.00      7          0          0          0          0          0         33          0          0          7
  nonlinear        :       0.04       0.00      6          0          0          0          1          0          0       1872          0          0
  benders          :       0.00       0.00      0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  components       :       0.00       0.00      2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  root node        :          -          -      -          0          -          -          0          -          -          -          -          -
Constraints        :     Number  MaxNumber  #Separate #Propagate    #EnfoLP    #EnfoRelax  #EnfoPS    #Check   #ResProp    Cutoffs    DomReds       Cuts    Applied      Conss   Children
  benderslp        :          0          0          0          0      52314          0          0      13866          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  integral         :          0          0          0          0      52314          0          0      13866          0          0       2629          0          0       4610     101742
  knapsack         :          1+         4         11     202413          0          0          0          0       1239          6       5263          0          0          0          0
  setppc           :         26         26         23     467550          2          0          0      13859     415058      13217     715976          0          0          0          0
  and              :       1740       1740     118018     454272          2          0          0       1331     455984       1276    6925498       9292       8432          0          0
  linear           :          0+         8          0     247527          0          0          0          0        455        461       1348          0          0          0          0
  orbitope         :          1          1          0     448959          0          0          0        436       2585         95       1660          0          0          0          0
  logicor          :       1220+     10005         23     255792          0          0          0          0     107886      11559     234919         34         19          0          0
  benders          :          0          0          0          0          3          0          0        437          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  countsols        :          0          0          0          0          3          0          0        437          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  components       :          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Constraint Timings :  TotalTime  SetupTime   Separate  Propagate     EnfoLP     EnfoPS     EnfoRelax   Check    ResProp    SB-Prop
  benderslp        :       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.02       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  integral         :      20.35       0.00       0.00       0.00      20.34       0.00       0.00       0.01       0.00       0.00
  knapsack         :       0.13       0.00       0.00       0.12       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  setppc           :       3.00       0.00       0.00       2.72       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.04       0.12       0.13
  and              :      19.71       0.00       8.41      10.56       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.10       0.16       0.48
  linear           :       0.28       0.00       0.00       0.27       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  orbitope         :       0.90       0.00       0.00       0.87       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.03
  logicor          :      10.97       0.00       0.00      10.58       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.27       0.11
  benders          :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  countsols        :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  components       :       0.03       0.00       0.00       0.03       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
Propagators        : #Propagate   #ResProp    Cutoffs    DomReds
  dualfix          :          3          0          0          0
  genvbounds       :          0          0          0          0
  nlobbt           :          0          0          0          0
  obbt             :          0          0          0          0
  probing          :          0          0          0          0
  pseudoobj        :     488602       2671        232      24741
  redcost          :     268544          0          0    4537626
  rootredcost      :         13          0          0          0
  symmetry         :          0          0          0          0
  vbounds          :     269549          0          0          0
Propagator Timings :  TotalTime  SetupTime   Presolve  Propagate    ResProp    SB-Prop
  dualfix          :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  genvbounds       :       0.11       0.00       0.00       0.11       0.00       0.00
  nlobbt           :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  obbt             :       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
  probing          :       1.92       0.00       1.92       0.00       0.00       0.00
  pseudoobj        :       0.76       0.00       0.00       0.53       0.23       0.00
  redcost          :      10.79       0.00       0.00      10.79       0.00       0.00
  rootredcost      :       0.11       0.00       0.00       0.11       0.00       0.00
  symmetry         :       0.06       0.00       0.01       0.05       0.00       0.00
  vbounds          :       0.42       0.00       0.00       0.41       0.00       0.01
Orbital fixing     :
  vars fixed to 0  :          0
  vars fixed to 1  :          0
Conflict Analysis  :       Time      Calls    Success    DomReds  Conflicts   Literals    Reconvs ReconvLits   Dualrays   Nonzeros   LP Iters   (pool size: [10000,10000])
  propagation      :       1.83      26839      26352          -     141241       63.5        477       27.3          -          -          -
  infeasible LP    :       0.03         64         64          -        437       68.6          0        0.0         64       57.5          0
  bound exceed. LP :       9.93       5699       2037          -      15902       78.0         17       34.5          0        0.0      41380
  strong branching :       0.00          0          0          -          0        0.0          0        0.0          -          -          0
  pseudo solution  :       0.00          1          1          -          1       14.0          0        0.0          -          -          -
  applied globally :       1.78          -          -          0      98957       51.3          -          -         64          -          -
  applied locally  :          -          -          -          0          0        0.0          -          -          0          -          -
Separators         :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls  RootCalls    Cutoffs    DomReds  FoundCuts ViaPoolAdd  DirectAdd    Applied ViaPoolApp  DirectApp      Conss
  cut pool         :      15.89          -      30695         44          -          -     314500      86169          -          -          -          -          -    (maximal pool size:       3380)
  aggregation      :       9.62       0.00       9727         23          0          0        383        610          2        216        216          0          0
  > cmir           :          -          -          -          -          -          -          -        549          2        212        212          0          -
  > flowcover      :          -          -          -          -          -          -          -         61          0          4          4          0          -
  > knapsackcover  :          -          -          -          -          -          -          -          0          0          0          0          0          -
  cgmip            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  clique           :       0.00       0.00         23         23          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  closecuts        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  convexproj       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  disjunctive      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  eccuts           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  gauge            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  gomory           :     339.33       0.00       7328         20          0          0     299817      60561        876       7775       7756         19          0
  > gomorymi       :          -          -          -          -          -          -          -      21399        438       2124       2115          9          -
  > strongcg       :          -          -          -          -          -          -          -      39162        438       5651       5641         10          -
  impliedbounds    :       0.38       0.00       9727         23          0          0         70         44          0         40         40          0          0
  interminor       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  intobj           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  mcf              :       0.00       0.00          2          2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  minor            :       0.01       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  mixing           :       0.01       0.00       9727         23          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  oddcycle         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  rapidlearning    :       0.26       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  rlt              :       0.00       0.00         20         20          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  zerohalf         :       5.60       0.00       7331         23          0          0      15190      24954         82      18058      17997         61          0
Cutselectors       :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls  RootCalls   Selected     Forced   Filtered  RootSelec   RootForc   RootFilt 
  hybrid           :       0.08       0.00      17456         23      34538          3      61915         87          0        941
Pricers            :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls       Vars
  problem variables:       0.00          -          0          0
Branching Rules    :   ExecTime  SetupTime   BranchLP  BranchExt   BranchPS    Cutoffs    DomReds       Cuts      Conss   Children
  allfullstrong    :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  cloud            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  distribution     :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  fullstrong       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  inference        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  leastinf         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  lookahead        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  mostinf          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  multaggr         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  nodereopt        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  pscost           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  random           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  relpscost        :      20.28       0.00      52311          0          0          0       2629          0       4727     101742
  vanillafullstrong:       0.00       0.00          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Primal Heuristics  :   ExecTime  SetupTime      Calls      Found       Best
  LP solutions     :       0.01          -          -          3          3
  relax solutions  :       0.00          -          -          0          0
  pseudo solutions :       0.00          -          -          0          0
  strong branching :       0.01          -          -          6          6
  actconsdiving    :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  adaptivediving   :       0.74       0.00        144          0          0
  alns             :       0.41       0.00          9          0          0
  bound            :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  clique           :       0.02       0.00          1          1          1
  coefdiving       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  completesol      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  conflictdiving   :       0.67       0.00        286          0          0
  crossover        :       1.09       0.00         26         18          0
  dins             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  distributiondivin:       4.98       0.00        286          1          1
  dps              :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  dualval          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  farkasdiving     :       0.18       0.00          2          0          0
  feaspump         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  fixandinfer      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  fracdiving       :       0.67       0.00        286          0          0
  gins             :       0.04       0.00          0          0          0
  guideddiving     :       0.74       0.00        286          1          1
  indicator        :       0.05       0.00          0          0          0
  intdiving        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  intshifting      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  linesearchdiving :       0.69       0.00        287          0          0
  localbranching   :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  locks            :       0.01       0.00          1          1          1
  lpface           :       0.05       0.00          1          0          0
  mpec             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  multistart       :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  mutation         :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  nlpdiving        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  objpscostdiving  :       1.44       0.00        144         14          0
  octane           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  ofins            :       0.03       0.00          0          0          0
  oneopt           :       0.04       0.00         13          0          0
  padm             :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  proximity        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  pscostdiving     :       1.21       0.00        287          1          1
  randrounding     :       0.39       0.00      12529          0          0
  rens             :       0.08       0.00          2          2          0
  reoptsols        :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  repair           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  rins             :       1.28       0.00         25         17          1
  rootsoldiving    :       2.32       0.00        144         32          0
  rounding         :       0.48       0.00       4402          0          0
  shiftandpropagate:       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  shifting         :       5.24       0.00      21682        303          1
  simplerounding   :       0.06       0.00          0          0          0
  subnlp           :       0.08       0.00          0          0          0
  trivial          :       0.00       0.00          2          0          0
  trivialnegation  :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  trustregion      :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  trysol           :       0.04       0.00          0          0          0
  twoopt           :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  undercover       :       0.06       0.00          1          0          0
  vbounds          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  veclendiving     :       0.69       0.00        286          0          0
  zeroobj          :       0.00       0.00          0          0          0
  zirounding       :       0.04       0.00       1000          0          0
  other solutions  :          -          -          -          0          -
Expressions        :   #IntEval  IntEvalTi   #RevProp  RevPropTi    DomReds    Cutoffs  #Estimate  EstimTime  Branching  #Simplify SimplifyTi Simplified
  prod             :       9360       0.00          0       0.00          0          0          0       0.00          0       4485       0.00       1677
  sum              :          8       0.00          2       0.00          0          0          0       0.00          0        770       0.01        769
  val              :          0       0.00          0       0.00          0          0          0       0.00          0          0       0.00          0
  var              :       5525       0.00          0       0.00          0          0          0       0.00          0      10741       0.00        676
LP                 :       Time      Calls Iterations  Iter/call   Iter/sec  Time-0-It Calls-0-It    ItLimit
  primal LP        :       6.47      10533          0       0.00       0.00       6.47      10533
  dual LP          :     237.55     213713    2030611      16.37    8548.14      56.61      89681
  lex dual LP      :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -
  barrier LP       :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -       0.00          0
  resolve instable :       0.00          0          0       0.00          -
  diving/probing LP:       6.89       4443      46361      10.43    6724.41
  strong branching :       9.36       4276     119163      27.87   12734.70          -          -        453
    (at root node) :          -         25       2192      87.68          -
  conflict analysis:       4.07       5014      41380       8.25   10161.02
B&B Tree           :
  number of runs   :          2
  nodes            :      98171 (50031 internal, 48140 leaves)
  feasible leaves  :          1
  infeas. leaves   :      21464
  objective leaves :      26675
  nodes (total)    :      99257 (50871 internal, 48386 leaves)
  nodes left       :        161
  max depth        :         61
  max depth (total):         61
  backtracks       :      17546 (17.9%)
  early backtracks :          0 (0.0%)
  nodes exc. ref.  :          0 (0.0%)
  delayed cutoffs  :        955
  repropagations   :       6211 (58672 domain reductions, 905 cutoffs)
  avg switch length:       9.15
  switching time   :      34.57
Root Node          :
  First LP value   : +2.23000000000000e+02
  First LP Iters   :        141 (15264.70 Iter/sec)
  First LP Time    :       0.01
  Final Dual Bound : +6.57625000000000e+02
  Final Root Iters :        697
  Root LP Estimate : +1.87774861304186e+03
Solution           :
  Solutions found  :        400 (16 improvements)
  First Solution   : +5.72100000000000e+03   (in run 1, after 1 nodes, 2.03 seconds, depth 13, found by <clique>)
  Gap First Sol.   :   infinite
  Gap Last Sol.    :      70.47 %
  Primal Bound     : +3.32300000000000e+03   (in run 2, after 33334 nodes, 323.75 seconds, depth 50, found by <relaxation>)
  Dual Bound       : +3.02300000000000e+03
  Gap              :       9.92 %
Integrals          :      Total       Avg%
  primal-dual      :   33461.09      40.38
  primal-ref       :          -          - (not evaluated)
  dual-ref         :          -          - (not evaluated)
-------------- next part --------------
The following solver is parallelized by UG version 1.0.0 [GitHash: 3e67e23e]
SCIP version 8.0.3 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] [LP solver: Soplex 6.0.3] [GitHash: 62fab8a2e3]
Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
External libraries: 
  Readline 8.0         GNU library for command line editing (gnu.org/s/readline)
  Soplex 6.0.3         Linear Programming Solver developed at Zuse Institute Berlin (soplex.zib.de) [GitHash: f900e3d0]
  CppAD 20180000.0     Algorithmic Differentiation of C++ algorithms developed by B. Bell (github.com/coin-or/CppAD)
  ZLIB 1.2.11          General purpose compression library by J. Gailly and M. Adler (zlib.net)
  GMP 6.2.0            GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library developed by T. Granlund (gmplib.org)
  ZIMPL 3.5.3          Zuse Institute Mathematical Programming Language developed by T. Koch (zimpl.zib.de)
  AMPL/MP 4e2d45c4     AMPL .nl file reader library (github.com/ampl/mp)
  PaPILO 2.1.2         parallel presolve for integer and linear optimization (github.com/scipopt/papilo) [GitHash: 2fe2543]
  bliss 0.77           Computing Graph Automorphism Groups by T. Junttila and P. Kaski (www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/)
  Ipopt 3.14.12        Interior Point Optimizer developed by A. Waechter et.al. (github.com/coin-or/Ipopt)
LC presolving settings file is specified.
** Before presolving: virtualMemUsedAtLc = 236249088, getVmSize() = 236249088, SCIPgetMemUsed() = 4182949, SCIPgetMemTotal() = 4839701, SCIPgetMemExternEstim() = 1048576
** set memory limit for presolving in LC to 8.79592e+12 for SCIP **
** Estimated virtualMemUsedAtSolver = 161601945, getVmSize() = 267018240, SCIPgetMemUsed() = 19184594, SCIPgetMemTotal() = 34236434, SCIPgetMemExternEstim() = 1048576
** set memory limit for solvers to 1.75921e+12 for each SCIP **
Original Problem   :
  Problem name     : tsp_burma14_q
  Variables        : 196 (195 binary, 0 integer, 0 implicit integer, 1 continuous)
  Constraints      : 29
  Objective sense  : minimize
Presolved Problem  :
  Variables        : 1903 (163 binary, 0 integer, 1740 implicit integer, 0 continuous)
  Constraints      : 1767
Constraints        : Number
  setppc           : 26 
  and              : 1740 
  orbitope         : 1 
** Instance transfer method used: 0
** ParaScipInstance copy increased the number of variables. **
LC is working with racing ramp-up and with rebuilding tree after racing.
                               Nodes    Active                                            
     Time          Nodes        Left   Solvers     Best Integer        Best Node        Gap     Best Node(S)     Gap(S)
*       2              0           1         4        4457.0000                -          -
*       4              0           1         4        4415.0000                -          -
*       4              0           1         4        4389.0000                -          -
        5              2           1         4        4389.0000         310.0000          -
*       7             12           7         4        4134.0000         310.7284          -
*       8             26          15         4        4118.0000         310.7778          -
*       8             26          15         4        3851.0000         310.7778          -
*      10             37          20         4        3569.0000         314.9455          -
*      12             37          20         4        3506.0000         314.9455          -
       12             37          20         4        3506.0000         314.9455          -
       17            450         190         4        3506.0000         339.0000          -
Racing ramp-up finished after 19.3300 seconds. Selected strategy 3.
       22            942         313         1        3506.0000         453.4000          -        3193.8333      9.77%
       27            966         268         4        3506.0000         524.1400          -         524.1400          -
       44           2060         808         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%         686.2727    410.88%
       49           6202        2696         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%         957.0000    266.35%
       64           8015        3311         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%         957.0000    266.35%
       69          14183        5502         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1096.5000    219.74%
       84          16193        5903         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1096.5000    219.74%
       89          22806        7316         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1186.8000    195.42%
      104          25014        7432         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1186.8000    195.42%
      109          31909        8305         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1263.2667    177.53%
      124          34605        8199         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1263.2667    177.53%
      129          41522        8708         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1296.4643    170.43%
      144          43914        8362         4        3506.0000         602.4878    481.92%        1296.4643    170.43%
*     148          48529        8989         4        3501.0000         602.4878    481.09%        1343.7500    160.54%
      165          54463        7934         4        3501.0000         602.4878    481.09%        1343.7500    160.54%
*     165          54463        7934         4        3498.0000         602.4878    480.59%        1343.7500    160.32%
*     169          58548        8167         4        3475.0000         602.4878    476.78%        1352.1044    157.01%
      170          61960        7050         3        3475.0000         602.4878    476.78%        1352.1044    157.01%
      176          63418        6478         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%         698.5000    397.49%
      187          65291        6733         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%         698.5000    397.49%
      194          70333        7800         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%         754.7600    360.41%
      207          73112        8441         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1332.3333    160.82%
      214          78796        9381         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1375.0000    152.73%
      227          82871       10421         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1482.6667    134.37%
      234          88743       11113         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1482.6667    134.37%
      248          93638       11479         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1482.6667    134.37%
      254          98624       12066         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1515.2500    129.34%
      260         100483       12273         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1515.2500    129.34%
      268         103689       12222         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1515.2500    129.34%
      274         108301       12664         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1540.6944    125.55%
      280         110075       12773         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1540.6944    125.55%
      288         113538       12521         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1540.6944    125.55%
      295         118125       12909         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1560.0000    122.76%
      300         119708       12915         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1560.0000    122.76%
      308         122693       12599         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1560.0000    122.76%
      315         127682       12938         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1583.6667    119.43%
      320         130262       12950         4        3475.0000         625.0000    456.00%        1583.6667    119.43%
*     326         130262       12950         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1583.6667    118.16%
      326         130262       12950         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1583.6667    118.16%
      335         139484       12618         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1613.5000    114.13%
      340         141771       12582         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1613.5000    114.13%
      348         145069       11931         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1613.5000    114.13%
      355         150741       11926         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1640.7500    110.57%
      360         153306       11823         4        3455.0000         625.0000    452.80%        1640.7500    110.57%
*     366         153306       11823         4        3411.0000         625.0000    445.76%        1640.7500    107.89%
      366         153306       11823         4        3411.0000         625.0000    445.76%        1640.7500    107.89%
*     366         153306       11823         4        3388.0000         625.0000    442.08%        1640.7500    106.49%
      375         162139       10653         4        3388.0000         625.0000    442.08%        1657.0000    104.47%
      380         163637        9856         4        3388.0000         715.6667    373.40%        1371.1111    147.10%
      388         168209        9628         4        3388.0000         715.6667    373.40%         715.6667    373.40%
      395         171787        9136         4        3388.0000         715.6667    373.40%         715.6667    373.40%
*     397         171787        9136         4        3346.0000         715.6667    367.54%         715.6667    367.54%
      400         174398        8599         4        3346.0000         715.6667    367.54%         715.6667    367.54%
      408         178096        9092         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%        1648.1250    103.02%
      413         180174        8184         3        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%        1648.1250    103.02%
      422         185464        7692         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         799.7805    318.36%
      428         187550        7713         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         799.7805    318.36%
      433         191362        6132         3        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         799.7805    318.36%
      442         194689        6394         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         852.8667    292.32%
      448         196834        6424         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         852.8667    292.32%
      455         198096        5784         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         852.8667    292.32%
      468         203017        6613         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%         894.6667    273.99%
      476         205028        7113         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%        1421.1111    135.45%
      488         211156        8024         4        3346.0000         722.1896    363.31%        1666.6753    100.76%
*     493         211156        8024         4        3323.0000         722.1896    360.13%        1666.6753     99.38%
      497         214127        8123         4        3323.0000         722.1896    360.13%        1666.6753     99.38%
      506         220575        7948         3        3323.0000         722.1896    360.13%        1805.0000     84.10%
      517         225272        7962         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         759.8472    337.32%
      529         229845        7869         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         759.8472    337.32%
      537         233405        8315         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1437.3333    131.19%
      549         238885        7831         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1437.3333    131.19%
      557         245102        7493         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         790.7323    320.24%
      569         247774        7403         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         790.7323    320.24%
      577         254492        8055         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1228.0000    170.60%
      589         256650        7945         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1228.0000    170.60%
      597         263909        7971         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1433.0000    131.89%
      603         264860        7554         3        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1433.0000    131.89%
      609         266883        7443         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         962.3333    245.31%
      628         273351        8178         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1572.5000    111.32%
      648         282981        8135         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1703.1375     95.11%
      663         293573        6649         3        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%        1814.1000     83.18%
      669         298165        5925         4        3323.0000         749.0000    343.66%         749.0000    343.66%
      675         300463        5905         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%         949.4736    249.98%
      685         301891        6280         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1051.3295    216.08%
      692         307095        5918         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1051.3295    216.08%
      706         310754        6605         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1464.1667    126.96%
      712         315891        6105         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1464.1667    126.96%
      726         320228        6252         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1711.6667     94.14%
      733         324940        5475         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1711.6667     94.14%
      739         329285        5230         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%        1165.6080    185.09%
      745         330971        4585         4        3323.0000         828.0000    301.33%         926.1455    258.80%
      750         333057        4261         4        3323.0000         829.2500    300.72%         926.1455    258.80%
      755         336445        4138         4        3323.0000         829.2500    300.72%         926.1455    258.80%
      762         337463        4589         4        3323.0000         829.2500    300.72%        1023.4000    224.70%
      767         338485        4588         3        3323.0000         829.2500    300.72%        1846.0556     80.01%
      775         344109        3794         4        3323.0000         864.1050    284.56%        1041.0375    219.20%
      781         345275        3414         3        3323.0000         864.1050    284.56%        1041.0375    219.20%
      789         348568        4102         4        3323.0000         864.1050    284.56%         864.1050    284.56%
      797         351412        3501         4        3323.0000         864.1050    284.56%         864.1050    284.56%
      802         354413        3368         4        3323.0000         864.1050    284.56%         864.1050    284.56%
      810         358064        3223         4        3323.0000         909.0875    265.53%        1105.3333    200.63%
      816         360295        2381         3        3323.0000         909.0875    265.53%        1105.3333    200.63%
      824         363069        3275         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1180.6111    181.46%
      830         365695        2742         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1180.6111    181.46%
      837         367251        3144         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1180.6111    181.46%
      844         370098        3878         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1636.1818    103.09%
      850         373074        3122         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1636.1818    103.09%
      857         375324        3501         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1636.1818    103.09%
      863         378533        3588         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1303.0552    155.02%
      877         382332        4067         4        3323.0000         920.5000    261.00%        1200.9231    176.70%
      883         385207        4539         4        3323.0000         925.0500    259.22%         925.0500    259.22%
      897         389059        4690         4        3323.0000         925.0500    259.22%         925.0500    259.22%
Storing check-point data after 900.34 seconds. 1 nodes were saved.
      903         392437        5115         4        3323.0000         934.2500    255.69%        1879.0833     76.84%
      917         397276        4847         4        3323.0000         934.2500    255.69%        1879.0833     76.84%
      923         401018        4954         4        3323.0000         934.2500    255.69%        2085.7500     59.32%
      934         404892        4170         3        3323.0000         934.2500    255.69%        2085.7500     59.32%
      940         408714        3200         4        3323.0000         954.3750    248.19%         989.6250    235.78%
      948         412101        3105         3        3323.0000         991.4400    235.17%        1227.5000    170.71%
      957         414882        2716         4        3323.0000        1016.1667    227.01%        1218.2234    172.77%
      964         418252        2474         4        3323.0000        1016.1667    227.01%        1218.2234    172.77%
      971         421796        1453         3        3323.0000        1017.8750    226.46%        1017.8750    226.46%
      977         424285         821         4        3323.0000        1017.8750    226.46%        1017.8750    226.46%
      983         425226         428         3        3323.0000        1017.8750    226.46%        1017.8750    226.46%
      992         428115        1099         4        3323.0000        1109.7333    199.44%        1207.0000    175.31%
     1004         432287        1412         4        3323.0000        1109.7333    199.44%        1109.7333    199.44%
     1012         434483        2026         4        3323.0000        1109.7333    199.44%        1109.7333    199.44%
     1021         439870        1890         3        3323.0000        1116.2121    197.70%        1778.0000     86.90%
     1027         441787        1516         4        3323.0000        1116.2121    197.70%        1116.2121    197.70%
     1032         443924        1771         4        3323.0000        1116.2121    197.70%        1116.2121    197.70%
     1037         446440        1478         4        3323.0000        1116.2121    197.70%        1116.2121    197.70%
     1043         447867        1477         4        3323.0000        1116.2121    197.70%        1116.2121    197.70%
     1049         449406        1723         4        3323.0000        1130.0714    194.05%        1424.4656    133.28%
     1064         454676        2112         4        3323.0000        1134.0000    193.03%        1134.0000    193.03%
     1069         455886        2421         4        3323.0000        1134.0000    193.03%        1134.0000    193.03%
     1082         461233        2284         3        3323.0000        1140.6667    191.32%        2098.4000     58.36%
     1088         464871        1768         3        3323.0000        1140.6667    191.32%        1206.8708    175.34%
     1104         470100        1825         4        3323.0000        1141.3000    191.16%        1390.5333    138.97%
     1110         473625        2033         4        3323.0000        1165.6080    185.09%        1354.1078    145.40%
     1122         477637        1041         3        3323.0000        1165.6080    185.09%        1165.6080    185.09%
     1129         477930        1040         4        3323.0000        1165.6080    185.09%        1165.6080    185.09%
     1135         484213         517         3        3323.0000        1183.5000    180.78%        1299.5000    155.71%
     1149         485273         879         4        3323.0000        1183.5000    180.78%        1442.7500    130.32%
     1154         489474        1403         4        3323.0000        1183.5000    180.78%        1798.7500     84.74%
     1160         490392        1249         4        3323.0000        1183.5000    180.78%        1183.5000    180.78%
     1167         490995        1243         3        3323.0000        1193.5000    178.42%        1193.5000    178.42%
     1173         496689        1158         4        3323.0000        1193.5000    178.42%        1193.5000    178.42%
     1178         497430         768         4        3323.0000        1193.5000    178.42%        1193.5000    178.42%
     1184         499446        1003         4        3323.0000        1226.0343    171.04%        1226.0343    171.04%
     1189         501539         413         4        3323.0000        1226.0343    171.04%        1226.0343    171.04%
     1201         505908         812         4        3323.0000        1276.6000    160.30%        1276.6000    160.30%
     1207         506530         658         3        3323.0000        1276.6000    160.30%        1276.6000    160.30%
     1212         509068        1116         4        3323.0000        1314.8889    152.72%        1314.8889    152.72%
     1222         513407        1197         3        3323.0000        1314.8889    152.72%        1314.8889    152.72%
     1228         514899         972         3        3323.0000        1314.8889    152.72%        1314.8889    152.72%
     1234         516147        1236         4        3323.0000        1327.1799    150.38%        1327.1799    150.38%
     1240         520696         435         4        3323.0000        1327.1799    150.38%        1327.1799    150.38%
     1247         523542         339         3        3323.0000        1339.1000    148.15%        1467.2500    126.48%
     1253         525367         492         3        3323.0000        1339.1000    148.15%        1741.8333     90.78%
     1266         528650         152         3        3323.0000        1342.9167    147.45%        1342.9167    147.45%
     1272         529931         149         3        3323.0000        1342.9167    147.45%        1342.9167    147.45%
     1277         531998         447         4        3323.0000        1363.3333    143.74%        1363.3333    143.74%
     1285         533387         726         3        3323.0000        1371.9375    142.21%        1371.9375    142.21%
     1291         536697         138         4        3323.0000        1371.9375    142.21%        1371.9375    142.21%
     1296         538884         124         4        3323.0000        1495.3060    122.23%        1495.3060    122.23%
     1305         539452         123         3        3323.0000        1495.3060    122.23%        1495.3060    122.23%
     1312         540500         118         3        3323.0000        1495.3060    122.23%        1495.3060    122.23%
     1317         544497         507         3        3323.0000        1573.2619    111.22%        1573.2619    111.22%
     1324         545044         506         3        3323.0000        1573.2619    111.22%        1588.5000    109.19%
     1330         545220         505         3        3323.0000        1588.5000    109.19%        1588.5000    109.19%
     1336         547577         895         4        3323.0000        1588.5000    109.19%        1588.5000    109.19%
     1341         551520        1275         4        3323.0000        1755.6286     89.28%        1755.6286     89.28%
     1347         551783        1269         4        3323.0000        1782.5000     86.42%        1782.5000     86.42%
     1353         552082        1259         3        3323.0000        1798.7500     84.74%        1798.7500     84.74%
     1358         557057        1474         4        3323.0000        1798.7500     84.74%        1798.7500     84.74%
     1364         557797        1471         4        3323.0000        1851.7500     79.45%        2143.2500     55.04%
     1369         559049        1103         3        3323.0000        1939.2000     71.36%        1939.2000     71.36%
     1374         559416        1091         4        3323.0000        2077.6667     59.94%        2077.6667     59.94%
     1381         561994        1078         3        3323.0000        2138.3333     55.40%        2312.1081     43.72%
     1387         562232        1066         4        3323.0000        2175.8667     52.72%        2175.8667     52.72%
     1392         562422        1058         3        3323.0000        2339.6667     42.03%        2339.6667     42.03%
     1397         565730         740         3        3323.0000        2473.0000     34.37%        2535.5000     31.06%
     1402         566331         588         3        3323.0000        2630.9412     26.30%        2639.5000     25.90%
     1407         567051         382         4        3323.0000        2721.1667     22.12%        2721.1667     22.12%
SCIP Status        : solving was interrupted [given gap reached]
Total Time         : 1408.62
  solving          : 1408.62
  presolving       : 2.10 (included in solving)
B&B Tree           :
  nodes (total)    : 567581
Solution           :
  Solutions found  : 16
  Primal Bound     : +3.32300000000000e+03
  Dual Bound       : +3.03548219238723e+03
Gap                : 9.47190 %
* Warning: final gap: 9.47190e-02 is greater than SCIPepsilon: 1.00000e-09
* Warning: the number of nodes (total) including nodes solved by interrupted Solvers is 567581
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