[SCIP] The rule of the slack variable in an indicator constraint

Abbas Omidi abb.omidi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 08:10:29 CEST 2023

Dear support team,

In the SCIP the indicator constraint can be written as indcons(expression,
binary_var). Then it is interpreted as follows: (based on ".cip" format)

*LHS - slack (<=/=/>=) RHS*
*If: (binary_var = 1) -> (slack = 0)*

As far as I know, CPLEX and maybe Gurobi have used binary variables and
whose linking to linearize the logical constraints. I am actually not aware
of their internal mechanism. Now, I would like to know how the SCIP can
deal with indicator constraint internally, and also the rule of the slack
variable in this form, and if is it necessary to use that instead of using
e.g. a *BigM* approach.

Best regards
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