[SCIP] SCIPchgReoptObjective() without resetting other variable coeffs

Christopher G christopherg00 at proton.me
Wed Jul 12 17:06:52 CEST 2023

Good day SCIP community,

currently I try to use the reoptimization feature of SCIP to
accelerate the consecutive solving process of my pricing problems in a B&P
algorithm. I was wondering whether the method SCIPchgReoptObjective(..) has a
counterpart which can be used to adapt the objective function coefficients for a
set of variables while not resetting the coefficients of all other variables.

Since I don't have contiguous memory for all the coefficients of all my
variables in my pricing problem, I have to allocate a (rather big) chunk of
memory that contains such coefficients in each iteration of my pricing. This is
rather cumbersome and I'd like to avoid this.


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