[SCIP] SCIP++: A C++ wrapper for SCIP

Ivo Hedtke hedtke at me.com
Thu Jul 27 11:18:09 CEST 2023

Dear SCIP fans and C++ lovers (or the other way around),

I (and my company DB Schenker) am (are) happy to announce, that there is a new member in the SCIP family: SCIP++. It is a C++ wrapper for SCIP's C interface.

With SCIP++, you can write code like this:

    Model model("Simple");
    auto x1 = model.addVar("x_1", 1);
    auto x2 = model.addVar("x_2", 1);
    model.addConstr(3 * x1 + 2 * x2 <= 1, "capacity");

The project is currently in a beta state. Before we release version 1.0.0, we would like to ask for your feedback in the form of pull requests, new issues, or via mail. You can find the project here: https://github.com/scipopt/SCIPpp.

I would like to thank Ambros Gleixner and Julian Manns for their support with the infrastructure and for testing early versions.

Have fun with SCIP++!

Ivo Hedtke
Director Operations Research, Schenker AG
Global Data & AI, F.LCA - Global Technology and Data
ivo (dot) hedtke (at) dbschenker (dot) com

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