[SCIP] Meaning of assertion assert(lp->validsollp == stat->lpcount)

Alexander Helber helber at or.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Oct 19 13:37:57 CEST 2023

Dear SCIP community,

I am working on a Benders Decomposition where I also implement a 
propagator that tries to fix some variables by solving probing LPs. For 
many instances this works without problem but sometimes, the assertion 
`assert(lp->validsollp == stat->lpcount);` of the function 
SCIPlpRemoveRedundantRows in line 15956 of `lp.c` is triggered. This 
happens after my propagator was called, when SCIP resumes solving the 
current node LP, but not every time. It does not seem to indicate any 
big problems, as I seem to get correct solutions when I ignore the 
assertion. If I do not use my propagator, the error does not seem to occur.

In any case, I wonder if someone has an idea what is going wrong and if 
it may have negative consequences.

All the best,

Alexander Helber
Research and Teaching Assistant

Chair of Operations Research
RWTH Aachen University
Kackertstrasse 7
52072 Aachen
Web: or.rwth-aachen.de
Mail:helber at or.rwth-aachen.de
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