[SCIP] Industry uses of SCIP

Ksenia Bestuzheva bestuzheva at zib.de
Tue Jul 30 13:45:15 CEST 2024

Dear SCIP community,

So that to learn more about industrial uses of SCIP, we would like to 
reach out to all industry users subscribed to this list. If you are such 
a user, could you please:

- respond to me (bestuzheva at zib.de) letting me know your company name 
and (as much as confidentiality rules allow) what applications your 
company uses SCIP for,
- let me know whether we may add your company's logo to an 'Industry 
Users' page that we plan to create on SCIP's website and
- if the answer to the above is 'yes', send me a logo.

This way we aim to highlight SCIP's role in real life applications and 
to give visibility to our company users.

Kind regards,
Ksenia Bestuzheva

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