[SCIP] windows install problem

Benjamin Müller benjamin.mueller at zib.de
Mon Feb 15 15:18:20 CET 2016

Dear Nazim,

the way we generate shared libraries does not work very well on a 
Windows system. We create different libraries (libscip, liblpi, ...) 
which depend from each other. This leads in your case to the error 
message "undefined references to ..." during the creation of the SCIP 

As far as I know you will need a DLL instead of .so library to use the 
JNI on Windows. I guess the easiest way is to use the Microsoft Visual 
Studio Compiler (in MinGW) to generate a single DLL (containing 
everything you need) and to compile the JNI. Since this is already 
non-trivial we decided to provide all necessary DLLs and the scip.jar 
for future releases. I will send you all necessary files in a separate 
mail for the current release.

I also want to mention that in the upcoming bugfix release we will 
provide a revised version of the python interface. If you do not have a 
good reason to use the JNI then you should probably switch to the python 
interface. The bugfix release will be in the next few weeks.



On 02/14/2016 04:24 PM, Nazim Nachi wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to install scip in win 10 machine with soplex since 3 days 
> but unfortunately I couldn't succeed.
> I have followed every details you put on the installation information 
> and I have done all the prerequisites (Remarks on Installing under 
> Windows using MinGW)
> I am specifically trying to install the JNI interface but at the 
> compilation of scip, I have error messages (e.g : 
> obj/O.mingw.x86.gnu.opt/lib/xml/xmlparse.o:xmlparse.c:(.text+0x2b60): 
> undefined reference to `BMSfreeMemory_call')
> And the …mingw.x86.gnu.opt.so <http://mingw.x86.gnu.opt.so/>  is not 
> created for the scip
> Could you help me please with this installation ?
> Thanks and regards
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Benjamin Müller
Zuse Institute Berlin
Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin
benjamin.mueller at zib.de
+49 30 841 85-195

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