[SCIP] Help with Understanding SCIP Objective function values

Natalia Perina nperina at princeton.edu
Fri Apr 14 23:58:03 CEST 2017

Hi there -

I want to use SCIP to implement a branch and price framework for an MIP
problem that I am working on for my senior thesis. I have two questions.

First, I am trying to understand how to set the objective function and
variables. How do you set which variables will go into the objective
function? I have several variables in my problem but it is only the sum of
one of them that I want to be maximized for the objective. How do I select
which variables go into the objective? In the createVar() method, how do I
use the objective value parameter? Is this supposed to the objective
variables coefficient? And for variables that I don't want to include in
the objective function - would one just set this to 0 or to null? This
seems like there would be a simple explanation but I can't seem to find it
in the documentation.

Second, I wanted to know if anyone had any advice for linearizing and
objective function that is the sum of a integer variable multiplied by a
binary variable. I understand that this is non linear and that scip does
not support non linear objective functions but does anyone have advice on
how I might be able to do this using constraints?


Natalia Perina
Princeton University l 2017
nperina at princeton.edu
202 360 9536 <(202)%20360-9536>
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